Chapter 4✨️

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It's been an hour and kook was still inside his room he was scared to go outside and face tae....what if tae dont wanted to see him or worse what if he hate him now....he cant bare his baby's hate he will die like that....

Kook:"i cant hide here all my life...i have to face him some day and it will be good if i face him today...i will just apologise and i know my baby will forgive me ...yes i should do that...."he said to himself and stood up and went out of his room....

He came downstairs and look around but tae was no where to be seen....he got worried and started to look around....but tae was no where.... he ran upstairs and went to tae's room but the door was already open and tae was not inside...his heart dropped....

Kook:"taeee...babyyyy....where are youuu....babyy bearr....princesss..."he called him but got no response and get panic...

Kook:"oh my God where he is......what i have done i shouldnt have left him that time and should apologise on the spot...did he leave the house and went somewhere because he dont feel safe with me now??? Is he scared of me??? Where did he go?? Hyung and noona will come any moment what will i tell them that where their son is??? Shiitt shitttt taehyung baby where are you...."he thought while fisting his hair and looked around the whole house worriedly....

He called him but tae didnt attend his call either now he dont know what to do and its been already an hour but tae didnt came...tae never went outside without telling anyone...he always tell his mom dad or him when he went outside or where he's going...?

After half an hour junghyun and ara also came and saw kook sitting on the couch worriedly calling someone.....

Ara:"bun what happened are you everything okay?? You look tensed..."she said softly making kook flinched who blink his eyes and looked at them scared...

Kook:"umm n-noona tae...he i-i dont know..."he stuttered dont know what to tell them that where tae went and didnt came home till now...and junghyun get confused...

Junghyun:"tae?? He didn't came yet?? He said he's going to clinic as he's having post periods pain i think ....he didn't comeback yet?"he asked and kook become shocked...

Kook:"what ??? He went to clinic? But he didnt tell me that he's going i was worried that where he went...."he said shocked making both of them chuckled....

Ara:"he said you went to your room as you got some call and then you didnt came for sometime so he went with the driver its okay i will call mr.sam and ask him where they are dont worry bunny okay...."she said and kook nodded feeling hurt....

Kook:"now he didnt even trust me to take him to clinic....and he went there without even telling me??? Did he hate me now???..."he thought and tears welled up in his eyes but he immediately blinked them away when he heard his baby's voice...

Tae:"hellooo helloooo everyone ~~~~ im backkk....."he shouted while giggling happily coming inside making his parents chuckled at their silly son and kook smiled as well but he get shocked when tae jumped in his arms happily kissing his cheeks...

Tae:"hiii kookieee.....sorry i went outside without telling you....i came to your room but i think you were talking to someone so i thought you must be busy in your office work so i called dada and he said to go with uncle sam..."he said and again kiss kook's cheeks and hugged him making kook sighed in relief.....he hugged tae tightly ...

Kook:"Goshhh i was scared to death that you hate me now...thank God my baby isn't mad at me or hate baby is so innocent thank God.... maybe he dont know that we kissed before...i mean he did know that it was a kiss but he didnt know the meaning of that kiss ...."he thought and smiled hugging his baby feeling his baby's warmth feeling happy.....

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