Chapter 2✨️

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Tae:"yayyy kookie is staying taetae will only sleep with kookiee......"he said giggling making kook heart dropped....


Kook:"Oh my how im gonna survive all these nights till im what are you doing to alwayss give me hard time just being infront of me and now sleeping with you ahhhhh....i know you're innocent and just wanna cuddle but what about my h0rny junior that always stood up seeing your heavenly body...."he was lost in his thoughts and tae was looking at him with teary doe eyes thinking kook dont wanna cuddle with him...

Tae:"y-you dont wanna s-sleep with taetae???..."he asked with wobbly lips eyes teary ready to cry any moment and kook snapped out of his thoughts and get panic seeing tears in his baby's eyes...

Kook:"No who said that i do wanna sleep with you....i-i mean i love cuddling you baby why you think like that i was just thinking about something please dont cry .."he blurted out but then immediately correct himself as his brother and noona was also sitting with them....

Tae smile widely hearing this and hugged kook tightly who groans in tae's neck inhaling his sweet scent helding his waist softly....tae's big bouncy mounds were squeeze between them making kook mind hazy thinking how soft and squishy they are ...

Tae:"yaayyyy i will sleep with kookie....."he said excitedly making everyone chuckled at his cuteness...


Junghyun:"its still too early to sleep and Tomorrow is Saturday that means no office so lets watch a movie what say kids???..."he asked and tae jumped excitedly still sitting on kook's lap who close his eyes tightly stopping the urge to moan out loudly as his baby's soft jiggly ass was right on top of his junior who was so ready to come out any moment..

Tae:"yess yess lets go watch a moviee...."he said and kook also nodded and they all went to their home theater and ara put a horror movie....

"he said and kook also nodded and they all went to their home theater and ara put a horror movie

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Home Theater.....

Ara and junghyun was sitting on the front couch while kook and tae was sitting on the back one cuddling in a blanket.....

Kook was half laying on the couch while tae was on top of him laying on his chest fisting his shirt tightly like he gonna disappear....

It was so hard for kook to concentrate on the movie while his gorgeous beauty laying on top of him...suddenly a scary scene came and tae flinched hard and put his face in kook's neck shivering a little and kook immediately wrapped his arms around his smol baby holding him tightly caressing his back a little to calm him...

Kook:"heyy its okay need to be scared its just a movie hmm...."he whispered softly in tae's ear who mewls listening to his deep voice biting his lips hard to not to moan out load as kook's lips was brushing over his ear slightly.....

Tae:"kookie s-scared..."he whispered softly and hugged kook tightly snuggling more into him and kook thought his baby is scared so he held him more tightly and stood up....

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