- Skip plain ride and at the new house-
Looking up at our new house I was kinda amazed it was beautiful! My brother Eli (age 8) runs in and my sister follows him in a sprint to the new house they looked so happy and free. Mom and dad walk up to me dad patting my back saying Home then they walk up the steps to the front door where Eli and Gracie are waiting to go in.
I watch them walk in and scatter to look for their rooms and I slowly walk up the steps and in the house all out furniture is in it's places.
The living room is a light green color. Walking to the kitchen it's a old timely looking my dad loves cooking so I'm gonna say this was his idea his office is off the the side by the stairs. I make my way up the stairs to look on the right of the stairs is my mom and dad's room with a bathroom. To the left is Gracie and Eli's rooms with a bath room you can go on from each room.
But that's all their wasn't another one I was thinking oh no they are kicking me out well fuck me then! But as I'm walking down the stairs my dad says go look in the basement I do as told and my heart leaps from my chest as I see my own little house down here there a small kitchen and a larger living room with all the gaming consoles and so many video games I wanted to faint! I walk trough a door to see and there was a massive bathroom words walk in shower and a large bath tube a his and hers sink. It's was a light blue color.
I walk our and to the last door to I think is my room I open the door and my heart literally stops to see a dark grey and white room with all my band posters on them my queen size bed with a clean white bed suit in it and blood red pillows I was in love.
There was a big desk in the corner with a box a few boxes on it they were raped and had bows on them. I walk up to them there are three boxes I open the smallest and there was a iPhone 6+ inside I was supposed because I have never had any phone or electronic like that other than video games. The second smallest was. IPod and iPad air. I was in shock I was about to cry!
The last one I open and I melt tears dare to fall they bought me the new MacBook I have need and wanted one for school work and music also my YouTube videos I have always wanted to make! I run up the stairs and hug my mom and dad about falling over they say I see you opened the gifts we got you?
I smile and nod at them.My mom suggest I go around and look at the street talk to the people across the street and look around get cozy to the place. I nod and walk out of the house on the warm weather looking down and I'm wearing a sweater and tights. I walk back in to change I put on a flower print skater skit and a dark red sweater my black boots my fadora with a small shoulder purse them slide on my black ray bans(picture on the side).
Walking back out side trough the door in my room down the street to look round there was a small park and it was lovely I walk over to the swings.
A/n: I'm sorry if this story sucks I'm trying my best!! Also check out my YouTube Chanel I only have one video so far but I will try and make more my names Kaleigh Ross. Lost of love and hugs!