Nevan and the Hidden Lab

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Before the three could move on, armored suits with swords were blocking the doors in front of them.

Billy: "Armor is in the way."

Y/N: "Shouldn't be a problem for me."

He got out his sword then slashed the armor to pieces.

Y/N: "Alright, problem solved."

Billy: "This speeds things up."

They entered through the doors and were inside an observatory. They tried the doors at the other side but they wouldn't open.

Billy: "Locked. Think you can get this open, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Sure, stand back."

Rebecca: "Hold on, guys. What's that down there?"

She pointed to the empty slots below the big telescope. They climbed down the ladder and stepped closer to the slots.

Rebecca: "Something is written on here."

She started reading the message carved on it.

Rebecca: "The Three Fundamental Principles of the Umbrella Corporation. Wait, could it mean these tablets?"

She pulled out the Unity tablet she found.

Y/N: "Oh, so you found one of those too?"

Rebecca: "You got one?"

Y/N: "Yep, and I got another one while we were separated."

She smiled.

Rebecca: "Good, this saves us the trouble in looking for them."

She put the Unity tablet on the right slot. Next, Y/N hands her the other two tablets and set them in place.

Y/N: "Alright, let's see what happens."

Suddenly, the whole observatory started to move.

Billy: "What's going on?"

Rebecca: "It must have triggered something."

Moments later, the observatory began descending until the platform was just above water. The doors above them soon unlocked.

Y/N: "Oh, guess that opened the door."

Billy: "Let's move."

They climbed back up the ladder then went through the double doors. They were outside and in front of them was a path that led to a church ahead. There were a few bats flying around as they walked towards the church.

Y/N: "So what could be so important inside this church?"

Billy: "Every time we try to find a way out, we get further in."

Rebecca: "We might as well look around."

Y/N: "I suppose I'll check out what's inside the church. See if you find anything out here."

Rebecca: "It's dangerous going in alone. Let me come with you."

Y/N: "If that's what you want."

Billy: "I'll let you know if I find something."

Y/N and Rebecca entered inside. They looked around the church. Strangely, it looked like a stage was set. Rebecca was confused about the surroundings.

Rebecca: "What's all this about?"

Y/N: "Hmm... I think I might know."

Suddenly, bats were flying past them and were gathering in front of them.

Evil May Cry (Resident Evil X Dante Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now