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Scarlett is packing up things around the house while Rebekah talks to her

Rebekah: Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me.

Scarlett: Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead.

Rebekah: Well, he's not and he's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Scarlett. Too strong.

Scarlett: Where is he now?

Rebekah: He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now.

Scarlett: I'll collect Elena and we'll be on our way

Rebekah: Forget Elena!

Scarlett: I'm not leaving her behind.

Rebekah: I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own.

Scarlett looks at her but says nothing.

Rebekah: Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you, see if I care.

She walks out of the room storming past Dean

Dean: What's her problem?

Scarlett shrugs.


The doorbell rings, Stefan answers it. Scarlett is outside

Stefan: What the hell do you want

Scarlett: I know all about my mother's invulnerable little creation and that's why I'm here. I'm leaving town, just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tire, flashlight, my little wolf

Stefan: Elena's not going anywhere with---

His head is twisted to the side as his body slumps down on the floor, his neck has been snapped by Jenna

Jenna: Oh shut up.

Scarlett steps into the house as Bonnie and Jeremy walks out from the kitchen

Bonnie: Jenna, why is she here? You invited her in?

Jeremy: She's already been invited in so shut the fuck up

Bonnie sighs slowly nodding her head

Damon: Elena's car is gone.

Jenna: Why wouldn't she tell anyone where she was going

Jeremy's phone rings and he answers it

Jeremy: Ric?

He hangs up the phone

Jeremy: Alaric has her and Caroline and he's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him.

Scarlett: Now, I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death.

Stefan groans as he stands up rubbing his neck

Stefan: I really wish we could. But unfortunately, if Alaric kills you there's a one in four chance that we die too.

Damon: Well the lone bright side, Lockwood dies.

Jeremy: Why don't we just figure out a way to put Alaric down?

Scarlett: Okay, how about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric, while I grabs Elena and carries her to safety? And Stefan distracts Alaric

Stefan: What's stopping me from dying?

Scarlett: Nothing.

Bonnie: I might have an idea. My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilized him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric.

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