Author's Note

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Welcome to my book for ONC 2024! This book is predominantly drawn from the following prompts:

(Main Prompt) 88. Your father is forcing you to marry someone you have never met. The night before your wedding you tie your sheets together and make your escape through the window. Half way down you make eye contact with someone doing the exact same thing a few windows over.

24. A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later.

28. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

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Author's Note:

I've never actually managed to commit to a previous ONC before; either I end up busy, or... Well, that might be just it. So, with an actual plan under my belt this time around, I hope that my attempt is fruitful this year! This is an exciting story—that seemed to fall together well in my planning—and I look forward to sharing it with all of you!


Pretie Panton, princess of Aecora and sole heir of the Panton bloodline, does not want to marry—at least, not the prince her father has arranged for, who Pretie has never met. However, when her attempt at escape is quickly put to an end, Pretie finds herself in an even worse predicament: cursed to take the form of a mermaid and live isolated from the world she has always known.

Driven by the desire for revenge, Pretie seeks the help of an adventure-seeking mermaid named Ephyra, who has heard legends of a mythical stone that may just be able to transform the princess back into her human self... If it truly is her deepest desire.


This story originally took inspiration from a fictional game that some characters played in one of my previous works—essentially, them "playing mermaids" with each other! With this being true, I do want to make it clear that you need no prior knowledge of that book or characters to understand and enjoy this one! While it was originally inspired by that, this book has an entirely original, separate plot and characters and is otherwise completely unrelated to any of my other works.

Some Things to Expect:

—wlw romance (plus other lgbtq+ characters)

—mermaids! (did you even read the title?)

—found family

—plenty of nicknames and banter

—occasional violence, bloodshed

—occasional cursing, mature language

Is that all? I believe so!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll consider sticking around to see how far I—and Princess Prettypants—can get with this lovely story!

The Mermaid's Reckoning | ONC 2024Where stories live. Discover now