Chapter 9

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Much to Krill's apparent dismay, it was nearly pitch black by the time the group located a place to sleep for the night. The location they decided on was not nearly as impressive as the towering, multi-level sleeping nooks Pretie had seen the previous night. Standing before them were two chunks of sandy rock sitting a few yards apart, a somewhat crooked hole burrowing into each of them.

"Not perfect, but it'll do. Just one night, after all." Krill commented as they drifted closer. He poked his head into the compartment of one of the structures. Pretie watched with wide eyes as he picked up a wriggling hermit crab from inside, setting it gently on the sand outside. "Yeah, these'll work. This one's big enough for two. Ephyra, check the other for me?"

Upon his request, the mermaid floated over to the second rock, glancing into its hollow center. "Yep, same here. We can split up two and two."

"Melody, you're with me?"

Pretie could have sworn she saw a flush of red heat Melody's cheeks—just bright enough to notice beneath her dark skin—as she nodded hurriedly and swam over. Someone's got a bit of a crush.

"Great. I assume we'll want to get going early. If we're fast enough, we should be able to make it to our destination sometime tomorrow." With a final nod, Krill disappeared into the nook with Melody.

That left Ephyra and Pretie.

"I can, um, sleep out here," the girl blurted, pointing toward the sand. "I don't need to cram myself in there with you. Doubt it would be very comfortable. And I slept outside before and it was fine—"

"It was cold then, and it'll be just as cold tonight," Ephyra replied, her eyebrows raised. "There's plenty of room in here, Prettypants. You don't have to sleep alone on my watch."

Pretie crossed her arms, glancing distastefully between the mermaid and the awaiting nook. It was bound to be uncomfortable, and the thought of being in such a small space with Ephyra... The girl felt a flutter in the pit of her stomach. She was suddenly worried she was going to throw up—and Pretie could imagine just how well that would go in the ocean. "Well, maybe I don't want to sleep with—"

"Look, if you want to freeze your fins off, that's on you. But I am going to sleep in here, and you're more than welcome to join me." Ephyra started toward the hole before turning back around, a hint of a smirk on her lips. "Plus, it's much warmer with two."

Pretie watched the mermaid disappear into the nook, running a hand down her face. A very distinct part of her wanted to sleep on her own. I'm a princess, for goodness' sake. I've never shared a bed, let alone a tiny crevice, with anyone. But she had been cold the previous night, so much so that she'd barely gotten any sleep. Pretie rubbed at the goosebumps forming on her arms. The tip of her tail twitched, a clear display of her internal conflict.

I mean... Ephyra's been nothing but kind to me, she thought after a moment, staring at the lip of the rock's crooked mouth. It's not always obvious, but she's never done anything to actually harm me. I guess it couldn't hurt to sleep in there with her. Her face heated. It's just one night, and it's just because it's logically the best option. 

Pretie took a breath and drifted toward the nook, peeking inside. With Ephyra lying on the far side, it seemed like Pretie would have just enough room to lay beside her. She glimpsed a flash of teeth as Ephyra grinned up at her. Rolling her eyes, the girl maneuvered her way inside, wriggling her way into the crevice tail-first. The rock was rough against her skin as she brushed against it, but after a moment she had settled down on her side next to Ephyra—who was turned to face her. Of course.

"See? Not so bad."

"I thought we were here to sleep, not exchange pleasantries."

"Y'know, every time I question if you're actually royal, you somehow manage to prove it to me. Well done, Prettypants. Oh, sorry, I mean, Your Highness."

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