izuku new home

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Izuku new home

Izuku woke up with his mouth dry and his vision a bit blurry. It took a few minutes for his sight to normalize, but when it did, he saw a man in a white cloak and bird mask sitting in a chair nearby.

Izuku shivered in fear. "I...is... is it time for me to give more blood?"

The man stood up and approached Izuku with a bottle of water. "No, the boss has plenty for now. Here, let me help you drink this."

Izuku opened his mouth as the man placed the bottle to his lips, "Don't use your arms. They're still sore after what happened."

Gratefully, Izuku drank. "Thank you, sir."

"Good boy. Tell me, what's your name?" the man asked.

"Umm... I'm Izuku Midoriya, sir," Izuku responded, still nervous about the man's presence.

The man removed his mask, and Izuku was surprised to see that he looked much younger than expected, with fair skin, dark eyes, pointed eyebrows, and pale hair styled into arrow-shaped spikes.

"My name is Hari Kurono. I'll be watching over you for a bit," Hari said, and Izuku nodded to show he understood.

"Ok," Izuku replied as Hari stood up and headed for the door. But before he left, he turned to Izuku. "I'm going to get you something to eat. Do you like katsudon?"

Izuku gave a small smile. "Yes, I like that."

Hari nodded. "Good. I'll be back in a bit."

Meanwhile, Kai and Shin were in the kitchen as Hari began preparing katsudon.

Kai looked at Hari. "So he's awake. How is he?"

Hari turned to Kai. "He was a bit scared at first, thinking it was time for him to give more blood."

"Hmmm? Anything else?" Kai inquired.

"No, just that he smiled when I mentioned katsudon," Hari explained, and Kai nodded.

"So that really is his favorite meal," Kai mused as Hari continued with the katsudon.

Shin was examining papers all about Izuku. "Your spies did a great job gathering information about Izuku's personal life. I can't believe he has a room full of All Might memorabilia."

Kai slapped his forehead in annoyance. "I can't believe he worships someone who perpetuates the plague of quirks."

"But he did cure All Might," Shin interjected.

Kai looked at him and nodded. "Yes, and it's thanks to that we were able to find him."

Hari returned to Izuku's room.

Back with Izuku, he was still lying in bed, wanting to stretch but held back by the pain in his arms, a result of Kai's previous actions.

Izuku didn't regret what had happened because he knew Eri would have suffered otherwise. He just hoped Kai wouldn't continue to exploit her.

Soon, Hari entered with a freshly made bowl of katsudon. Izuku tried to reach for the bowl, but his arms were still in pain.

Hari sat down on his knees. "Relax, you're going to be in pain for a couple of days. I'll feed you."

Using a pair of chopsticks, Hari fed Izuku slowly. "Take small bites."

Izuku did as instructed, eating slowly and taking small bites. "Good boy," Hari praised after Izuku finished eating.

"Thank you, Mr. Kurono," Izuku said with a smile.

Hari returned the smile. "You're very polite. Are you interested in reading?"

Izuku nodded eagerly. "Yes, I am."

"I have a few books about history, specifically about Japan's old times in the middle ages," Hari shared, and Izuku's expression brightened.

"I've never had the chance to read about that," Izuku said, his interest piqued.

Hari went to retrieve the book, and upon his return, he spent the next hours reading to Izuku. The story was long and detailed, delving into the rich history of Japan's middle ages, and Izuku listened intently, clearly fascinated.

Later, Kai entered to find both Izuku and Hari asleep, the latter with the history book still in his hands, having closed it gently after Izuku had drifted off.

"What is going on here?" Kai asked, a tone of disapproval in his voice.

Hari stirred awake. "Oh...? Kai, I apologize. I know I'm not supposed to sleep on the job, but I was reading Izuku a long story about Japan's history during the middle ages. He really seemed to like it," Hari explained, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Kai nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Good. I have someone else to take over your shift for now. You can go."

Hari stood, stretched, and left the book along with a few others next to Izuku's bed for him to read later. He then left the room quietly, making sure not to disturb Izuku's rest.

Kai observed Izuku for a moment, the young boy's face peaceful in sleep. Despite his tough exterior, there was a hint of contemplation in Kai's eyes before he turned and left the room, closing the door gently behind him.

To be continued...

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