a deal

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I'm going to take a short break from this story soon. But please leave comments down below and let me know what you all think of the story so far.

A deal

Izuku was engrossed in the history books that Hari had left behind. The tomes, detailing over six centuries of Japan's past, were fascinating to him, a subject he'd never explored before. It had only been a few days since Hari had left them in his room.

Suddenly, the door swung open.

Izuku's eyes widened in terror at the sight of the man who had inflicted pain on him just days ago. His face froze in fear, and he shrank back against the wall.

"How are you doing, little green bean?" Kai asked as he stepped into the room.

Paralyzed by fear, Izuku stuttered, "I... is... is it t-time f-for m-me to give you m-more b-blood now?"

Kai shook his head. "No, little green bean, not for another week or two until I need more of your blood."

Izuku's breaths came in ragged gasps. "Then why are you here?"

Kai seemed taken aback by the intensity of Izuku's fear. He had expected the boy to be scared, but not to this extent.

Kneeling down to Izuku's level, Kai removed his bird mask. "I just want to say thank you for your help, and I need to talk with you."

"A-about what?" Izuku managed, as Kai offered a smile.

"I know I've hurt you, but I promise things will get better from here on out..." Kai's voice trailed off before he continued, "well, except for when I'll need more of your blood."

Izuku averted his gaze, clutching the book to his chest, but Kai pressed on.

"Everything I said to you back in the alleyway was true. That's why I want to help you. How about we make a deal?" Kai proposed, and Izuku reluctantly met his gaze.

"What kind of deal?" Izuku inquired, wary of Kai's intentions.

"You'll continue to provide your blood to help cure this world of the disease of quirks. However, you have the potential to assist me in other ways as well. First, we need to work on increasing your muscle mass," Kai explained, noticing Izuku's confusion at the last point.

"Why do I need to work on my muscle mass?" Izuku asked, still avoiding direct eye contact with Kai.

"To help you grow stronger alongside your quirk. Plus, if we're lucky, we might even manage to awaken and enhance your abilities," Kai elaborated, seeing the fear in Izuku's eyes diminish ever so slightly.

"So, you're asking me to work for you. But what do I get in return?" Izuku questioned, not wanting to offer his services to someone who would simply use and harm him.

"You'll get several things. Once you've earned more of my trust, I'll let you out of this room. You'll be able to explore the place but not leave without permission. Eri would like to see you, after what you've done for her. There'll also be gifts. And one more thing: the chance to see your mother again," Kai detailed.

"But have you done anything to her?" Izuku asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

Kai shook his head. "No, she's fine. She's still living in the apartment where you both resided. I can arrange for her to visit or bring her here for you to see, provided that I trust you. She misses you, and we can't risk sending you back knowing what the authorities would do."

Izuku hung his head. "Are there any rules I have to follow? What if I don't? What will happen to me?"

Kai nodded. "Yes, you'll only be allowed to leave this room to provide blood. No visitors, no contact with people like Hari or me. You'll have to eat food that may not taste great but is still healthy. I'll ensure you maintain a decent weight, as I can't have you being underweight. So, what do you say, Izuku Midoriya?"

Kai extended his hand, removing his glove. Izuku looked at him, contemplating.

Izuku understood that working with Kai was a criminal act, but he saw no way out. He didn't fully comprehend Kai's plans, but perhaps if he gave him a chance, he could understand and make an informed decision.

Izuku took Kai's hand and shook it. "Alright, I'll agree, but only if you promise to treat me like a real person, not as a prisoner or a mere weapon."

"Of course," Kai replied, putting his glove and mask back on. He then lifted Izuku and led him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Izuku asked, fear still evident in his voice, worried that Kai was going to take more of his blood.

"We're going to the kitchen to get something to eat. It's lunchtime anyway," Kai explained, trying to calm Izuku's nerves.

"Thank you," Izuku said, although his voice still trembled with fear.

Kai knew it would take time for Izuku to trust him and pledge his loyalty. It was going to be a long road ahead.

To be continued...

I might do a time skip soon on this.

I'm going to take a short break from this story soon. But please leave comments down below and let me know what you all think of the story so far.

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