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I watch Elena long enough to make out the expressions on her face. But observing and studying someone is not the same as really getting to know them. Each person has more than one personality, if someone says otherwise, then he is more than a liar, because if he really believes it, he is lying not only to others, but also to himself, and that is much worse.

At work, with acquaintances, with close friends, with relatives, with parents, with brothers and sisters, everyone behaves differently, revealing one of his personalities. The same applies to moods, when you are or are not comfortable, when you are angry, when you are calm, when you are bored. On average, fifty different personalities live in a person, and 90% of them are difficult to distinguish, or never show, depending on the self-control and the level of emotional and mental growth of the person concerned.

In my work, I meet people who switch from one persona to another so quickly that no matter how intelligent you are, if you don't catch the change in time, it can cost you your life, or you can lose an already won victory, just because you weren't quick enough to catch the change. I am no different from the others, a simple example - Elena. With her I feel like I'm never enough, never good enough, somehow, I'm constantly trying to please her, like if I upset her, it'll tear my world apart, my heart, and I'll lose my irreplaceable treasure. With my people or with my debtors, with my clients, this side of me is standing in the corner waiting for my green-eyed firecracker to appear.

A kind of defense mechanism. I have seen things that the man who is with Elena would never have endured if he was the original personality of my character. But it's not, Elena is the only one who has ever touched this person of mine that awakens this insecurity in me and even though I hide it because it's what Elena and I both need, the lovesick fool can't help it, aside from licking his tongue and drooling over this incredible woman.

Elena hardly realizes what exactly I feel for her, she will never know about the things I did so that she could stand by me today, she will never know how many bodies I passed through, how many lies I told, how much blood I washed away, she will never learned how I manipulated her father, his business, how many times I interfered until Nicholas Mascot had no choice but to agree to accept my offer. I'm not proud of it, I'll never forgive myself for manipulating Elena's life in this way, but I can live with the guilt, on the other hand, I can't live without Elena.

"Victor, this is Ophelia, Cristina and Oscar" I nodded to the two girls and the man who looked a year or two younger than me. Originally, as far as Elena is concerned, I am strangely and painfully jealous, I myself am still getting to know the man in love with my fiancee, so this jealousy of mine is a little strange even to me. I don't mind Elena's giggling girlfriends, I can stand them, but when I reached out to Oscar I was anything but tolerable, at least until I shook his hand and followed his gaze, raising an eyebrow.

"And these are?" melodic and soft, Oscar's tone sounded like those over-the-top sales reps who are ready to kiss your ass until they get every last penny out of your pocket. "I decided it wouldn't be fair to your girlfriends, my love, so I invited two of my friends to keep them company" I pulled Elena under my arm and released Oscar's to introduce Dominic and Simon. Dominic was a friend of mine from university and we often worked together, and Simon was not only my friend, but also the deputy director of Craven Groups, my legal business.

"That's very nice of you,Victor" Elena placed a hand on my chest and looked up after briefly waving to Dominic and Simon and I leaned in to peck her lips. I was getting to know another Elena, not the social woman, not the daughter, not the friend, but the woman who was starting a relationship, who wanted to get to know a man, who was starting to have feelings for a man. She was very different, her smile was different, warmer and alluring, her gaze shone differently, as if I were looking at a glass that had been pulverized under a warm green light.

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