-PART 1-

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2.1.2024 Thursday

-Pov: Valeria Martinez-

I woke up and sighed "Ugh... Another day of college" It was 6:30 am. Thankfully, I only have two lessons today. Literature, Business. I got up from my bed and drank the glass of water from my nightstand. I slowly walked into the bathroom to take a shower, I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I hummed as the warm water poured on me "So relaxing..." After my shower, I started my skincare. I took my blow dryer and started to dry my hair. After my hair was dry I styled it and ran my fingers through my hair to make that natural messy look. Then I went into my closet to put together an outfit, a cute short white dress, and some classic white Nike sneakers.

 Then I went into my closet to put together an outfit, a cute short white dress, and some classic white Nike sneakers

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I put my hair up into a messy bun and ran downstairs to say good morning to my family and eat breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom making my favorite. WAFFLES!!. "Good morning Mom" She turned around and said "Good morning sweetie, I made your favorite waffles, I hope you like them" She served the waffles on a plate and added some blueberries and maple syrup. She then passed the plate to me and I quickly grabbed my fork and ate all of them "Mm, these are delicious. Thank you, Mom" She smiled and I grabbed my car keys and was about to leave when I asked her " Where is Dad?" She turned off the stove and said "He didn't come home last night and texted stating he'd be back at noon today" I nodded and left, I walked up

to my white custom Porsche and drove off. As I reached my college I sighed and walked in. It was 8:30 in the morning and I had Literature at 9 am so I sat in my car for a bit and relaxed. I heard a slight knock on my car window. I opened my eyes to see my sister Amelia and her boyfriend Zane. I unlocked the car doors to let them in, "Hey Val!" Amelia and her boyfriend said at the same time, I chuckled "Hi lovebirds!" We all laughed for a bit and I asked "How are you two?" I raised my brow "We're good" Said Zane as he pinched Amelia's cheek. I smiled as I checked the time on my watch, it was 8:45. "It's time I leave for Literature" I said as we all got out to go to our classes. I locked my car and ran inside. I said good morning to my professor and walked

to my seat and opened my laptop, class started in 5 minutes. After class finished, I checked the time to see I still had two hours before business. So I decided to go grab lunch. I closed my laptop and walked out of the room, then I walked to my car, unlocked my door, and took off.


I parked my car in the garage and walked into the house, I walked into my room and took off my dress, and then I picked out something much more comfy. A cute white white full-sleeved shirt with grey sweats.

 A cute white white full-sleeved shirt with grey sweats

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After getting dressed, I ran downstairs. I saw my Dad and smiled "Heyy Dad!" he turned around and smiled "Hii love, I need to talk to you. Follow me." I nodded and followed him to his office. Not gonna lie I was a bit nervous, It usually ends badly we my dad wants to talk to me privately. I hope everything is alright... "So Val, tomorrow we have dinner with the Italian mafia, we have a new alliance." said my dad. "Okay, but what's this got to do with me?" he sighed. "Well.., you have to marry Elio's son." My eyes widened "WHAT!, Dad, don't I have a say in this? I don't want to get married yet. Plus, It's been years since I've seen Alessio. You know, that he moved back to Italy 10 YEARS AGO." I was so shocked at how my Dad was literally gonna make me marry someone I hadn't spoken to in 10 years.

I know Val, but this is really important for our mafia. We need to work with more people. Plus, we know the Italians. You and Alessio were inseparable when you were younger." "But dad..." "No buts.. please just accept this.." I was so fucking furious but I'd do anything for my Dad "Fine..." I trailed off "Thank you so much, Val, I promise I'll make it up to you." I sighed "When do we have the meeting tomorrow?" I asked "Well it's at 8 pm so we'll leave at 7:30" I nodded and left the room. The time was 6:30 so I went downstairs for an early dinner. "Hey Mom, what's for dinner?" she turned around and smiled "Pasta with some salad" I nodded and walked to the table and sat down. She then served only served 3 plates, I was a bit confused and asked, "what about Amelia's plate?" Mom looked at me and said "Amelia is sleeping over at Zane's house"

I nodded as I waited for my dad to come downstairs. It had been 2 minutes and still, my dad wasn't here so I went upstairs to his office. "Hey Dad, dinner is ready" He looked up at me "Oh, can you please bring my dinner up here? I'm kinda busy." I nodded and ran downstairs to grab his lunch.


After eating dinner, I went up to my room to prepare for tomorrow. I am nervous and a bit excited to meet my childhood best friend after 10 damn years. But I'm still upset that my Dad of all people would force me to do something like this. Anyway, I went to my closet to pick out a dress tomorrow. I ended up choosing a beautiful red dress that complimented my curves perfectly. Then I picked out some shiny black stilettos. After picking out my outfit for tomorrow, I went to my bathroom and changed into a white silk night dress.

 After picking out my outfit for tomorrow, I went to my bathroom and changed into a  white silk night dress

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Then I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I played some slow calm music and I fell asleep.


Hola, my lovely people. Yes, this was a pretty short chapter but I promise I'll try to write more for you all. I have nothing else to say then I hope everyone enjoyed the book and have a good rest of your day!



I'll see you in the next chapter.

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