-PART 2-

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-Pov: Valeria Martinez-

It was finally time for the dinner meeting with the Italians. It was 6 pm so I decided to wash my hair. I took off my clothes and walked in. After my shower, I blow-dried my hair and put on the outfit I chose yesterday. I curled my hair and put it in a classic low bun. After I was done getting ready, it was perfectly 7:15 pm.

 After I was done getting ready, it was perfectly 7:15 pm

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I walked downstairs and sat on the couch

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I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. After 2 minutes my dad walked down. "Hey Val, you ready to go?" he asked "Yes Dad." I sighed "Thank you so much for doing this again, Val" I nodded and we left. The car drive was awkwardly quiet and we reached the restaurant after a bit. We parked the car in a reserved parking area and walked in. The restaurant was beautiful and packed with a lot of guards. One of the guards led us to a private room. it had a huge dining table full of people from the American and Italian mafia. I walked in first and took a seat. I was 

seated across from a handsome young man, he had brunette hair and brown eyes. My dad sat next to me and greeted them. The guy I was sitting across from was my soon-to-be husband. At least he was hot... I smiled and greeted them as well. After that it was pretty much boring, my dad was finalizing everything. Alessio, aka my soon-to-be husband, kept checking me out and biting his lip. After five minutes, I had enough so I excused myself to the restroom.

-Pov: Alessio Vincent-

Valeria and her Dad the Don of the American mafia walked in. Valeria seated herself across from me and god damn she was a goddess. Not gonna lie but I was checking her out the whole time until she excused herself to the restroom. But, my dad was not joking when he said she was my type. After five minutes Valeria still wasn't back so I excused myself outside. As I left the room I saw Valeria leaning against a wall and smoking. I didn't know she smoked. I walked up to her and gestured for her to give me one. 

She was pretty amused that I showed up like that. She gave me one and I lit it up with my lighter as we both sighed. It was pretty awkward but... I did want to get to know her so I asked her "So... how old are you?" I raised my brow. I knew that she was twenty but I wanted to start a conversation. She looked at me amused and asked "Didn't you research about that or something?" I nodded. "I wanted to start a conversation-" She chuckled "Well, I'm twenty. What about you?" "I am twenty-six." She nodded "Wow... I never thought that I'd be getting married to an old man" She laughed.

I chuckled. "I'm not that old..." She then looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "Yes, you are. You're literally twenty-six and I'm twenty." She said. I smiled and said "Stop, overreacting... Anyway gimme your number we're gonna get married soon you know" She nodded and grabbed my phone and typed in her number. "Let's go back," I said and she nodded. We walked in together and sat in our seats.


-Pov: Valeria Martinez-

We walked back to the private room, and I took my seat across from Alessio. The whole experience was nerve-wracking, but I couldn't help but feel curious about what was going to happen next. My dad was still finalizing everything, and I leaned into my chair, feeling a bit bored. Alessio's gaze was fixed on me the whole time, and I couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. Finally, my dad told me that we only had 10 more minutes to go. I felt relieved when he said that. I sat back in my chair waiting for the meeting to be done. Soon after that 10 minutes had passed and me and my dad had said our goodbyes and left.

When we reached home. It was already twelve in the morning, and I was exhausted. "Good night dad" I sighed "Good night Val". I went up to my room and locked the door. Then I took off my clothes and put on my pjs. After that, I went into the bathroom washed my makeup of and did my skincare routine. By the time I was done it was already twelve thirty in the morning. I went back to my room and sat on my bed, trying to process everything. Soon after that, I fell asleep.


Hey loves, It's been awhile. Sorry for not updating a lot.

I will try my best to update more and stuff.

Yes, this was a pretty short chapter, but I didn't have anything else to add.

Bye loves!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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