Jake is SALTY (still love him)

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-In the magenta team gc

Ally: so.....

Hunter: why would you guys not vote Fiore??

Jake: cuz james bitchass had it coming.


Fiore replied to Hunter: "why would you guys not vote Fiore??"                                                               I'm just that good

Jake: James stop private messaging me

Jake: Go offline and do something with your life

James: look who's fucking talking... all you do is cry bout your relationship status

Jake: and all you do is follow Aiden's every wish?? Calm tf down..

-In the DCAS gc-


Jake: wrong gc, dumb bitch 

Aiden: What the hell happened?

James: how are you calling me dumb??

James replied to Aiden: "What the hell happened?"                                                                                        Jake's bitchass got me booted babe.

Aiden: What.

Jake: way to go James, breaking the rules. Do you always do that??

Yul: he does

James: Yul, sit the fuck down

Riya: can you morons stop blowing up the gc??

Alec: It's infuriating.

Ellie: ^^^^

Ashley: Guys, just message in the other gc please!!

Alec: What 'other gc' ??

Hunter: none of your business..?

Ally: Hunter.

-Hunter has gone Idle-

-Ally has gone offline-

Fiore: LOSER.

James: Can we slander Jake??

Aiden: ^

Ellie: ^^

Jake: Ellie, shut the fuck up. Die

Jake: James, shut the fuck up. Die

Jake:  Aiden, shut the fuck up. Die.

Tom: Woah

Lake: What did Ellie, Aiden and James do to you??

Jake: James, if you had read the contract (if you can even read), you would see that there's another opportunity for you.

Jake: Ellie is just always on my back, like, fuck off??

Jake: And Aiden...by association, yeah.

James: It's not because of association

Aiden: ??

-James has been muted by SillyKid-

Aiden: WHAT.

Tom: so what DID aiden do to you??

Alec: Ik what he did

Jake: Alec, shut the fuck up, please.

Alec: But I'm not getting involved yet.

-Alec has gone offline-

Oliver: FUCK YOU JAKE. (This is James btw)

Jake: Taking the managers phone, not a smart move..


-Oliver has gone DND-

Jake: well, that happened...

-Jake has gone offline-

Miriam: what the fuck.

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