chapter 1: Thoughts

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- Capital world -

- Imperial palace -

- Outer regions -

A lone figure walks along a path, which leads to a giant building filled with gorgeous and intricately sculpted support columns that aligns the outer wall of the structure. The person passed by some patrolling guards that's securing every corner of the emidiat vicinity, ones they notice the individual they abruptly stop what they're doing and straightened up and made a crisp salute while some bowed to the figure. The person nods to them and waves a hand that signals them to continue their duties. The guards nod at the individual and moved along to leave the person with their own devices, their coat gently sways from the cold morning wind.

Not long after, said person enters the building and is greeted by a variety of people of all different shapes and sizes ranging from the colorful, to the most exotic looking individuals. Same thing happens before, they notice and did the same things the guards did. The individual waves them off and they continued their daily routine for the day, the figure gives out a tired sigh at the exchange. "Still can't get used to that, after so many years."

A few steps later, they hear someone groaning and followed up by an exasperated voice right behind them.

"Ah my liege! Uugghhh, thank the stars! I'm so glad I've found you. I'd like to discuss with you about the finalization with some of the newest reforms that you, and the other council members have recently approved!"

The person turns around and sees a strange light green colored, creature with six tentacle like legs and three arms, two at the sides and one at the back, a lean body and a oval like head with a fin on top and a beak for the mouth and two big round eyes.

"And good morning to you to, vand, I see you're already working at the break of dawn, as usual."

Vand only shakes he's head and faces the figure."Well somebody has to compile and review your ever-growing stacks of paperwork, as much as it annoys me to." He whispers the last part.

"Come again?"

"Oh, nothing to be concerned of, my liege. Anyways, about this." He gestures to one of the holographic pad that is being held on his third arm.

The former sighs before grabbing the pad. "Ok, let's get this over with."

They flip the pad and started to go over the documents that needed their immediate attention, while also answering some questions that vand is clarifying to them about.


ones that's done the figure heads to a nearby elevator and enters it, they then press the botton that sends them to the thirtieth floor of the building where the persons destination lies. After the elevator reaches its intended floor the figure walks out to a long and expanding hallway.

'It's so weird, well given the years I've served and saved the empire on multiple occasion, it's to be expected. but still... it feels weird.'

The person thought, while also trudging along and observing the assortment of objects in the hallway they're walking through. The individual can see all the lavish tapestry filled with the rich history of the nation they serve, the depictions of battle long and bloody, serine and lush forest with old buildings and people going about there day, the assortment of pottery, armor and weapons old and new that hugs each walls and corners.

"Man she would love this... well, minus the art." Passing by some more displays the figure stops at the newest addition in the gallery.

A painting of a tall faired skined young man with blonde disheveled hair, dark blue eyes, his figure is not to skinny and not to bulky, just the right amount of muscles in the most important areas. His wearing a white long-sleeved button up shirt over a plated armor that covers his entire torso with silver-white and gold accent, a white hooded overcoat that goes just bellow the knee with gold linings at the edges of the coat while the arms are covered by plated gauntlets under a blue fingerless glove, vambraces and pauldrons with a similar color scheme as the torso. A simple blue pants with a gray belt and a long gray combat boots that's covered in armor with the same color as the rest of the armor, the hip has a gold color kilt like plated skirt that goes around and separates at the front and the length ends right about the knee. He has a white scabbard strapped along his left hip that house a bastard sword with a blue colored two-handed handle, golden round pummel and cross guard. At the left arm he is carrying a white and gold square-ish kite shield that separates at the end resembling that of fangs, revealing an extended gun like barrel. And at the center of the shield, a carving of two golden Cresent moons with a red rose at the middle, you can find the same moon and rose image at the back of the white overcoat but unfortunately, you cant see it because the person is facing forward.And lastly, he is tucking a helmet under his right arm with the same color pattern, the helmet has a V shape visor and an enclosed metal mouth piece which has four vertical slits going from the sides to the middle, and on top of the helmet is a golden laurel crown that wraps around the forehead pointing up.

The figure slowly walks up to the portrait and touches the eyes of the painted young man.

They tilt they're head to the left and looks at the portrait curiously. "huh, it's like I'm looking at a mirror... trippy."

the person looks down and sees a metal bar bellow the painting. They look closely at the metal and can easily see a name written on the bar. Its the figures name. "JAUNE AURELIAN ARC" the figure mutters out loud revealing himself as the man that is painted in the portrait.

He steps back and fishes out an object that is hidden behind his shirt, he pulls it out to reveal a small pendant similar to the carvings on his shield with a silver chain that loops around his neck.

He looks at it for a long time, seemingly lost in thought. 'just a couple more months of planning and sorting out the logistical load that we're gonna need for the journey and I can finally, FINALLY see you again.'

He moves the small pendant to his lips and gently kisses it, he pulls away the pendant from his lips and returns it back behind his shirt. he let's out a long exasperated sigh 'one step at a time jaune... one step at a time.'

slowly backing away from the painting, he continues the long trek to his destination.

Then he ask himself a question. A question that hasn't been plaguing his  mind for the last couple of years.

"How did I end up here again?"

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