Chapter 2: part 1

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Right, I just watched ep 8 and Adam doesn't have blonde hair, but I don't really care so Adam has blonde hair in this fic and don't come attack me in the comments pls  and thank you :D

Charlie nervously walked up to a plain door, behind this door was where Adam currently resided. Yesterday Alastor had brought Adam to the hotel managing to talk Charlie and the gang into letting him stay, Vaggie took a while to convince though. Today, Charlie thought of waking Adam up with eggs and bacon she had made herself. She thought it would be nice to welcome their new "friend" on the path to redemption with kindness! She reached to turn the knob, but suddenly the door swung open, Charlie stumbled backwards holding the plate of breakfast tightly with both hands making sure it did not fall.

"O-oh! Hey Adam, I brought you some breakfast?" Charlie said, Adam looked at her in a queerly way. Charlie laughed nervously, "Do you..uh like bacon and eggs? I just wanted to welcome you to the path to redemption!" She exclaimed, swinging an arm up to her shoulder and back down.

After a few second of silence Adam burst out laughing, pointing at Charlie, "What did you just do to your arm??" Charlie stared at Adam confused, she didn't think she did anything worth laughing that hard.

"What?" She asked. Quickly shaking her head she held out the plate, "Anywaysss! I made you some breakfast! Enjoy?" Adam wiped away a tear and took the plate from her. Charlie noticed that Adam wasn't wearing his holy robe, I mean why would he? Instead, he wore—what she assumed—was his plain under robes. 

"Thanks, Charlotte!" Adam exclaimed, placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder as he started to walk past her. Charlie shut her eyes expecting to feel sharp claws digging into her, but the pain never came. Adam's hand left her shoulder, and she opened her eyes. She grinned thinking, "This must be improvement!"

"It's Charlie not Charlotte by the way!" Charlie called out to Adam, turning around to watch him walk down the hall and around a corner.

"I don't give a single rotting fuck," Adam called back. Charlie's grin faltered, oh well, there's plenty of time for improvement! She shrugged and followed him down the hall, around the corner, and down the stairs. As she watched her foot hit the floor she heard a plate crash and Adam yelling, Charlie shot her head up to see what had happened. Vaggie was on top of Adam seemingly trying to claw Adam's face off. Charlie sprinted to the two, and started pulling Vaggie away, not too hard because she didn't want to hurt her.

"Hey, hey! Vaggie it's ok, c'mon let go! Please?" Charlie said above the shouting and yelling. After relentless tugging Charlie managed to pull Vaggie away from him. 

Adam stood up, brushing himself off he said, "Holy newborn babies! Learn how to control your employees sometime?" He sneered at Vaggie, "Clean that up, why don't you." He told her while pointing at the shattered pieces left of the plate. Then Adam walked out the front door to only he knows where.

"Why can't he pick it up!? IT'S HIS PLATE!" Vaggie said.

Charlie smiled reassuringly, "I think he just..y'know, needs time! Look, I'll clean it up; I gave him the plate anyway." 

Vaggie nodded reluctantly and said, "I'm gonna head back to our room.." She kissed Charlie on the cheek and walked up the stairs to their room. Charlie sighed, she knew it would take a while for Vaggie to accept Adam into the hotel, she only hoped nothing happens until then. Remembering the mess, she went to get gloves, a sweeping pan, and a broom to start cleaning up the shattered plate.

Once finished, she sat onto the couch leaning back lazily. Bored, she used her finger to trace the velvet material back-and-forth repeatedly until her phone started ringing. She reached into her pocket to check who it was, it was her dad. Charlie quickly sat up straight and answered the call.

"Hi dad!" Charlie said, putting the phone up to her ear.

"Hey Char-char! I've been thinking, you know what we haven't done in a long, long time?" Lucifer spoke cheerfully.

Charlie hoped it wasn't another ridiculous idea she was too nice to say no to, "What's your idea?"

"How about we have a father-daughter day! We haven't done that in a long while, it used to be your most absolute favorite day!" He exclaimed through the phone.

Charlie blinked a few times, she opened and closed her mouth not knowing how to respond, she could hear her dad's laugh become nervous, finally she settled for her most used answer, "yes!" She didn't want to upset her father especially because Lilith, her mom, was not around anymore meaning Lucifer must surely be lonely these days.

"Greeeat, I'll see you in..1 hour? Let you hang out with your friends before spending the rest of the day with meeee!!" Lucifer replied enthusiastically. When the call ended Charlie slid down the couch and huffed out a breath. This wasn't what she hoped things would turn out, not saying she didn't want to have a day with her dad, but their last father-daughter day was when she was around 11.

Husk walked down the stairs and noticed Charlie on the couch, "What's got you so down?"

"My dad asked me to spend a father-daughter day with him! I said yes."

"And that's bad?"

"No! I just..haven't spent a day with him in years, and I mean years."

Husker walked up behind Charlie and the couch, leaning against the back he told Charlie softly, "You should just enjoy it, if ya don't he might take it into account an' never ask you again. That could make you two distant an' I don't think that would be good for ya." Charlie leaned her head back to look at Husker, she thought about his words, "Who am I to say anythin' I've never had a dad before." Husker said with a shrug, he stood up and walked to the bar leaving Charlie to ponder.

"Y'know I will have fun today," Charlie told herself quietly.

Words: 1019

Thank you for reading this! Upvote or simply comment. Also, feel free to leave tips or story ideas, you will be credited if I fully use your idea. I promise there will be AdamsApple in part 2! See you there🎸⚡️

Thanks to my pookie who also ships AdamsApple and was willing to hype this story up for me♥️

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