This was the time that Hilda meets a new friend, a unique one at that. This is a story about a boy named Elias (My OC), who is 15 years old and he is from America. Eli just moved to Trolberg with his grandma Hope (My other OC)and wants to look aroun...
(WARNING: One scene of this chapter might be VERY strange for some people. I'll put the start and end of that scene. If you are easily squeamish or offended, DONT READ IT (Sorry for my weird mind)
It was about a month since Eli moved to Trolberg. Eli had just finished his lessons in school. Some of his friends wanted to walk with him. ELI: Hiya guys! HILDA: Hi! FRIDA: Hello! DAVID: *sadly* Hey Eli..... David looked worried and sad. ELI: David? Whats going on, man? Why are ya sad? DAVID: Oh, it's nothing really.... ELI: Well you can't just be unreasonably sad. Tell me! We're your friends! DAVID: *sigh* The marra. She's back. I had a huge night terror HILDA: Yeah, he told us earlier. ELI: The...Marra?? FRIDA: Yes, the Marra. ELI: Who or...What is it? HILDA: The Marra is a group of mischievous spirits of teen girls who give children night terrors. ELI: Whoa.... DAVID: They stopped for a bit, but now they have returned. ELI: Is there a way to stop them? FRIDA: We don't know. Here's what David's marra looks like:
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ELI: Okay... HILDA: So how is school? Got used to it? ELI: Yeah! Of course. It's actually just a tiny bit more strict than usual, but I'm handling it. Hey, David. DAVID: Hm? ELI: Here's something to cheer you up! Eli opens his bag and gets something out of it. It was an ice cream sandwich. ELI: Here you go DAVID: Let's go outside. Ms Hillgrim hates when you have food in the halls. ELI: Ok! The quartet went outside of the school. David eats his ice cream sandwich. DAVID: Mmmm! 😋 So delicious! Thank you Elias! ELI: You're welcome! HILDA: You guys wanna walk? ELI: Sorry Hilda, I have a big project for my class, and I need to start it as early as possible! FRIDA: Ok, you can go! HILDA: See ya! ELI: Goodbye guys! Eli took out his skateboard and rolled off home. *5 minutes later* Eli arrives home. Grandma Hope was watching TV. ELI: Hey grandma! How are you? HOPE: Oh hey dear! I need your help. ELI: I'm so sorry, I have a huge project for school and I need to start it NOW. I'll do it later, I promise! HOPE: Oh, it's okay! I still love you! ELI: Love you too gramps! Eli went up to his room, took off his school clothes, changed to his home clothes and started to write his project on his computer.
*12:30 AM* Eli FINALLY finished his project, his eyes were red, Hope was already sleeping, and Eli saved his project on a flash drive. ELI: Ugh...FINALLY. I mustn't forget it for tomorrow morning. Eli took of his clothes, took a shower, and he went to sleep in his underwear only. (He always sleeps that way) ELI: Ah! Now I'm ready for a good night sleep! Then outta nowhere, came out the Marra...David's marra. She was standing with her back in front of Eli. ELI: AH! Who are you?!? MARRA: Aw, would you look at that? A little young boy, who doesn't know what's coming! I'm going to play with you for so long that you will... ————(The start of the weird scene)——— The Marra looked at Eli. She smiled widely, her heart started to flutter, she was shivering. She has never seen a prettier man than Eli. MARRA: *shaking* huhuhuh....🫠🤤 ELI: Umm....girl? You okay? Wait....YOURE the Marra! My friends told me about you! MARRA: You look so....fabulous...amazing She started to touch Eli with her hands, petting him. ELI: Wha...What do you think you're doing?!?! MARRA: I finally found you, the man I always should join us... ELI: This is getting weird....REALLY weird Unexpectedly, The marra grabed Eli's head. She blushed a LOT. She kiss Eli, but he tried to resist. ELI: NO!...MHMHM...STOP!...I'm NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND...MMMM!!!!!!!! ———(The end of the weird scene)——— Suddenly, Eli was teleported to his night terror. It was his room. It was quiet and dark. Only Eli was standing in the room. ELI: *huff* *huff* WHAT WAS THAT?! Marra! I'm gonna find you and teach you a lesson! Uhh...why is it so foggy outside? Eli saw that there was no one on the streets of Trolberg. ELI: Maybe I should go outside! I should check on grandma. Eli puts on his house clothes and goes to see grandma. He opens the door to Hope's room, but there was no one, including grandma ELI: Grandma? You here? That's weird He decides to go outside There was no one in the area. It was pitch quiet. ELI: What is happening?? HELLO!!! The "Hello" echoed through the streets. ELI: Grandma?! Where are you?! But there was no grandma either. He stoped in the middle of the street ELI: Where is everyone? Suddenly he heard a bell toll