Chapter 4: The Field Trip (Part 2)

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9:30 PM

It was already dark. The crickets were chirping in the grass. The sparrow scouts have already laid out their tents and are having a campfire. Everyone was sitting on logs. David was cooking a marshmallow to put on a s'more. But he held it for too long and it burned it to a coal.

RAVEN LEADER: David, what are you doing?

DAVID: I love crispy and warm marshmallows.

ELI: HAHA! Burn to the core, now THAT'S a s'more! *high fives David*

DAVID: Haha)

HILDA: It's great that you all told us about yourself, Eli! It's pretty cool to know what are you're interested in!

RAVEN LEADER: Well scouts, the day is coming to an end. How about some music?

ELI: Wait! Lemme grab something from the bus.

Eli stands up and heads to the bus.

*45 seconds later*

Eli brings out his guitar and amplifier.

HILDA: Wait! You brought a guitar?!

ELI: Yep!

Eli connects the guitar to the amplifier and regulates the strings. He had a song in his mind.

ELI: I used to be in a band in Brooklyn. It was called "3MB", which means "three man band''. I was the head guitarist and vocalist.

SPARROW SCOUT: That's brilliant! Why did you leave?

ELI: dark....I won't say what happened.

Eli finishes setting up his equipment, sits down, and gets ready to perform.

ELI: This is one of my personal favorites:


🎵Catching flies🎵

🎵In his month🎵

🎵Tasting freedom🎵

🎵While he dares🎵

🎵Then crawling back🎵

🎵Back to the top🎵

🎵Top of the stairs🎵

🎵Of the stairs🎵

GIRLS: *vocalizing*🎵

🎵He won't see the sun again🎵

🎵For years to come🎵

🎵He's broken out in love🎵

🎵Like a cat🎵

🎵Without a care🎵

🎵Roaming freely🎵

🎵Through the streets🎵

🎵You can find him🎵

🎵In amongst the pigeons🎵

🎵In the square🎵

GIRLS: *vocalizing*

🎵But he won't see the sun again🎵

🎵For years to come🎵

🎵He's broken out in love🎵

🎵He won't see the sun again🎵

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