My Teenage Years

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As my teenage years progressed, my love for all things vintage, burlesque and sexy just seemed to get that bit stronger. My passion with courtiers and the art of seductions dwelled deeper and i loved the fact i could walk around my school and know so much that other people may also be intrigued by. At 15, i wore my corset every. Single. Day. No matter what. I ended up falling in love with the shape it gave me and the posture that i had to maintain while wearing such an elegant yet restricting piece of cloth. I found it absolutely fascinating that you could undress to your underwear but still be covered up with dignity. The only difference between your clothes and the lingerie is that you are even sexier and even more powerful over your gentleman's (or lady's) mind and body. 

I heard a lot as a teenager that i was born in the wrong era. However , i simply laugh and shrug it off "Maybe i was, but one thing is for sure. I wouldn't change it for the world." 

Let's just take a moment to realize what i actually mean by this. Well, as much as i love the vintage style and look, the lingerie and the way of life (even cars). I still would never change it for the world. I am happy in today's society where we have a better understanding of technology and rights. Everything is more advanced. I prefer that about this society, however my honeys... do not be confused about whether that should change who i am. No it doesn't and it shall never reflect my personality. I am the way i am because if i'm honest. Modern day society needs to be reminded of what we once were. And what better way than embrace something we love and share with others.

My teenage years were tough, i was always just that but bigger than everyone else, mentally and physically. I had cellulite all over my thighs, stretch marks all over my thighs, hips and back, never ending spots of my chest and face and light acne. This all stopped me from feeling comfortable with the way i was. The stress of school did not help under any circumstances. When i had my full face of make up on and hair done, corset on and all dressed up i definitely felt a lot more confident in myself and once it was off it was like i was a different person.

If i could change one thing.. it would have to be that. I t would have to be the insecurities i had because at 15 i shouldn't of felt the need to put so much make up on to be who i am. When my make up and clothing was on i felt that little erge of 'I could be a burlesque star for sure' and once it was off i felt all things negatively possible. We all have floors and my darlings trust me, just embrass yourself. Your teenage years are your most confusing. Don't let insecurities stand in your way of career or lifetime opportunities.

My love for all things lingerie escalated as i got older. I discovered so many more things behind the designers of lingerie and who makes then etc.

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