Back From The Dead

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So yeah it's been 8 years

Let's do a little update shall we!

I started this story as a recent high school graduate who loved 2 things... musical theater and criminal minds. My first year of college was way harder than I had anticipated. I was mentally drained. I remember having gone from writing every day to having no inspiration.. now with that being said I had already started on the third book. Angel of Music: Love. The first 8 chapter sat in my drafts for 8 years... I seriously can't believe it's been 8 years. But I never forget this story line at all, I always felt so guilty not completing it... and then Criminal Minds had a boost in popularity during 2022 and my Wattpad notifications were always full of people adding the stories to there lists or favoriting the chapter or commenting... and I read every single comment and began to miss this world of Wattpad I use to be apart of. I convinced my boyfriend to watch Criminal Minds with me and let me tell you that show is like a drug for me, once I start I can't stop and I felt the inspiration build back up ( it was very small but there)

So I picked it back up... and wrote a paragraph...

I was now at this time 2022/2023 I was working a full time, salary job and most weeks I was clocking out with almost 70 hours for a week. I was drained and exhausted but I was re obsessed with criminal minds and every time we watched an episode all I could think of was Angel of Music. I remember being at work and talking about this story to a friend and how I wanted to pick it back up but it had been (at this time) 7 years. They had suggested to start off by writing down what I wanted to happen in the story so that I knew where I wanted it to go. So I did ... and then moved on.

Me and my boyfriend had taken a break from watching Criminal Minds. (Primarily because the Paramount+ app on our TV likes to not work at times) But after us having finished a different TV series he had suggested 'Why don't we watch Criminal Minds? Haven't watched that in a while' This time was different... I came back home, to Wattpad that is. Re reading my favorite Reid and MGG stories. We were hit with snow and I was watching my friend's dogs I was snowed in with nothing to do. And here I am my love for Matthew Gray Gubler blossoming again, reading these stories them becoming my constant go to the only thing I wanna do... the passion was back the flame re lit.

So I grabbed my laptop.

I started with revising my chapters I had already written, you know continuity errors and just the fact that I don't write like I did any more I was no longer 17. I add more beef to the chapters and that took me about a day and then I started to actually write I wrote 3 chapters in about a day and a half. I loved it, I missed it. The story just flowed so naturally. And now after 8 years the Third installment was finally on its way to being released!

If you read all of this I appreciate you taking the time. I will finish Angel of Music: Love. Hopefully soon. I appreciate everyone working voted on the chapters and who commented thank you.

This isn't the last for me!
- Dikrats_3_ever ✌🏼

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