c h a p t e r n i n e

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Penelope sat at her desk desperately waiting for the team to call her she needed to know what was going on. Her phone rang and she eagerly answered it.

"Is everyone okay, is Reid okay?" She asked as soon as she answered.

"Not exactly," Morgan said causing her heart to sink, "the unsub was Reids mother's nurse, he shot Reids mother in front of him. Then I barged into the room and shot him."

"Oh my gosh," Penelope said she could feel the tears starting to forum in her eyes, "did we ever figure out why he was after Reid?" She asked then wiped away a running tear.

"No. There going to be a funeral. Hotch is sending the jet back for you and Laura to come down on."

The door to Penelope's office flew open and there was a crying and worried Laura standing at the door. "I'm going to have to go Morgan, we will be there soon." Penelope said then ended the call.

"He's not answering is phone, what's going on, is he okay?" Laura asked crying fearing it was the worst. When Penelope turned around and Laura saw her teary face she knew something bad had happened. "Penelope is he gone?" Laura choked out.

"No, he's alive but not well. His mother was shot." Penelope told her. The words filled her with a small bit if relief, but then filled her with grief, she knew how much his mother meant to him. "The jet is on its way to take us to the funeral."


Reid walked around his mother's room gathering her things and putting them in a box. He desperately tried not to look at the dried up blood stain on the carpet, but every time he passed it his eyes darted to it. This is all my fault Reid thought to himself as he packed up his mother's books, looking at each book reminded him of his childhood and how his mother read all of these storied to him, if I would have sent her here she would still be alive. Reid thought of thousands of reasons why it his his fault. He bit the inside of his cheek trying to stop himself from crying again. He sat on the edge of the bed and buried his face in his hands.


Reid was stood up and tried to compose himself he cleared his throat then said, "Come in."

"Hey, they told me I could find you here." Laura said giving her grieving boyfriend a weak smile. She stepped on the room and shut the door. Reid got up and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back as he broke down again. Laura hated seeing him like this, it broke her heart. They stood like that for a while, Reid wouldn't let her go.

"Why don't we take a break from this." Laura suggested as she walked him to the couch and they sat down.

"I didn't get out here enough." Reid confessed. "I should have been here more."

"Reid, you did plenty." Laura said taking his hands, they were so cold.

"It's not her getting shot that will scar me forever, it will be her face. She looked at me dead in the eyes scared, she needed my help and there was nothing I could do." Reid said as he shut his eyes and buried his face in his hands.

"Reid." Laura said, she wanted to say more but she didn't know what else to say, so she silently rubbed his back.


Reid held tight to Lauras hand as his mother's casket was lowered to the ground. Everyone on the team was there for Reid, they keep looking at him checking to see if he was okay. Reid didn't notice them looking at him, he keep his eyes fixed on the casket.

A mound of dirt covered the casket untill it was buried well below ground. Everyone began to leave, walking back to there cars. Reid stayed put and Laura bravely at his side, she wanted to stay strong for him. Reid held tight onto Lauras hand and stood up and walked over to the grave. He looked down at the tomb stone that read 'Diana Reid. A very loving mother.' Reid placed some flowers down and squeezed Lauras hand and shut his eyes and took a deep breath and they walked away.


Morgan and Laura told Reid that they would finish packing up his mother's room, because he needed tome to process everything. Morgan walked in the room and Laura trailed in behind him.

"I could have saved her." Morgan said looking at the blood spot on the carpet. "I heard her scream I was running through the halls, as soon as I reached her door I heard a gun shot."

"Morgan you did all you could do." Laura reassured him.

"But I could have done more, I should have went with him."

"You cant blame yourself." Laura told him. The room went silent as they finished up packing. They cleared the room in silence, both worried about Reid and how he was.

"Please give Dr. Reid our thoughts and prayers." The now not so cheery receptionist said with a weak smile. Morgan and Laura nodded taking the boxes out of the building and setting them in the back of the car.

Morgan started up the car and began to drive. Laura sat silently in the passenger seat looking at the view of the city go by.

"You know you are the best thing that has ever happened to that boy." Morgan said out of nowhere.

"What?" Laura asked confused.

"You are. I've never seen him more happier." Morgan said causing Laura to smile. "You know he talks about you constantly."

"Really?" Laura asked.

"Really, he will say anything about you to anyone who will listen. Oh and when Hotch would come around, it was the funniest thing ever, he would stop mid sentence and his face would turn red and he'd just walk away."

"Like there's nothing suspicious about that." Laura said giggling.

"He's been through alot in his life, it's going to take some time for him the heal, and he will eventually. You just can't leave him." Morgan told her.

"I don't plan on it."

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