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They were all done picking an outfit for prom and each got their bag with their outfit in. They walked together for a while until they separated and each went their own way. The couple and Soohee were walking around together and she thought she'd be a third wheel, but she noticed Minho wasn't being affectionate like he usually does with Sullyoon. He would usually flirt and kiss her cheeks and forehead or something, but surprisingly, they were just walking while chatting casually.

Soohee got a phone call from her mom wanting her to come home since her grandmother was coming to visit and she agreed.

"I gotta go home now, mom wants me to come since grandma is coming." Soohee said and Sullyoon nodded.

"Okay girl, see you tomorrow." Sullyoon said with a smile and they waved to each other before they went the opposite direction.

Soohee arrived home and saw her grandmother already there. She greeted her and her grandmother pinched her cheek and scolded her for looking this skinny and not eating enough, like usual.

"Halmoni, I promise I eat." Soohee said with an awkward chuckle but her grandma still scolded her.

Soohee enjoyed her presence and the family had a great time talking. When her grandmother left, it was around 7pm so she decided to get ready for bed. Since she had nothing else to do and it wouldn't hurt to sleep early since tomorrow is a school day. Soohee did her night routine and then laid on her bed before she drifted to sleep a few minutes later.

Next morning came quickly and she found herself getting up to get ready for school. She stretched and yawned for a good minute before she went in the bathroom to do her business and brush her teeth. She then freshened up and then got out and wore her uniform before she brushed her hair and then applied some makeup in front of her vanity mirror. She went downstairs to eat breakfast that her father made her this time. It was a strawberry jam sandwich with strawberry milk on the side. She chuckled and ate before she left the house.

She made it to school and looked around for Sullyoon. But she wasn't there, maybe she's late or something. Soohee set her bag down on her desk and sat down feeling exhausted from looking around for her best friend earlier. The students were just walking around and chatting since the bell hadn't rung yet.

She got up and left the class and walked through the hallway that was filled with students walking around. She went to Hyunjin's class and found him sitting there and he was talking with a girl. She giggled quietly thinking that they were kinda cute together, but she could be just a friend to him. She left not wanting to bother him since he was busy with her and went to Changbin and Jisung's class, and they were there.

Just when she almost entered to greet them, the bell rang. She sighed but turned around and left with a groan. She went in her class, and she saw Sullyoon alone. She walked to her and asked her where Minho was.

"Oh poor Min is sick since yesterday. He caught a cold for some reason." Sullyoon said and Soohee felt bad for him, and worried as well.

She sat down next to her and they talked for while until the teacher came. He started the lesson which was boring as usual. But when two best friends are sitting together, it would be everything but boring. They both chatted and gossiped a bit, their stomachs were hurting them from that much laughing, although they kept it quiet so the teacher wouldn't separate them.

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