Chapter 1 : The beach

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A girl with crimped auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes was sitting on the sofa, minding her own business curled up with a book. Every so often she looks up and out of the window, hoping that if she could leave the world she was trapped in, she could see something else but gloomy grey fog, which sits like a cat on a woollen rug. After being lost in her book for a while, she decides to get up and get something to eat. Walking over to the fridge, wrapping herself in her fluffy blue blanket, she pulls out the tub of vibrant green grapes. She stuffs them in her mouth one by one, each a shoot of sweet tartness. After opening the dark wooden door she went out, into the moist raindrop air. Estella plants herself in the hanging jungle vine chair. Sitting calmly staring out into the abyss, she hums to herself. Then her best friend interrupts her daydream. A tall, dark haired boy runs up the cobbled path holding something that she can't quite make out. Estella stands up waving at him but then,  winces as the boy trips over a stone and crumples into a heap on the soggy ground. She trudges up to him repeating "are you okay?" and kneels down next to him observing his bloody knee."Oh Logan, we should really get you inside" Estella says looking up into the clouds seeing lightning streak across the sky. She offers him her hand and helps him up, walking with him slowly back into the house. Sitting him at the kitchen counter, Estella walks over to the cupboard and opens it with a creak to retrieve the first aid kit. Estella plasters up his bloody knee and says "what did you come down here for anyway?" "oh yeah!" Logan replies enthusiastically, handing her a CD with a foggy beach cover. "and this is.." Estella said, smiling slightly teasingly. "The newly releases album from ghost shells!" he said practically jumping up and down in his seat. Ghost shells is his favourite band and he always got like a cocker spaniel dog whenever they released a new song. But out here on this island it takes at least 2 years for a song to reach it, so it wasn't really that new. Estella knew the drill by now though, she rushes up the fuzzy carpeted stairs and enters her room. Her room has turquoise plasters walls, and rattan furniture. She unplugs her shiny silver CD player and hurries back downstairs. Logan places the donut shaped plastic inside it, being careful not to touch the reflective side and eventually clicking it in. The songs play, each verse followed by a chorus and then another verse, followed by Logan and Estella's excited singing, followed by stomps echoing down the stairs.Logan presses pause and now all they can hear was the rain scratching at the window, pattering it's way in. "Hi dad," Estella says, looking up, crossing her arms. "Could you turn it down a bit, I was on a work call and all they could hear was.." and then he began mocking the song in his most annoying voice. "Dad, this is not a joke." Estella says, acting stern, "Yes mr Sumersday, they are one of the best artists out there!" Logan adds nodding. Mr Sumersday laughs and plods back upstairs.

The next day, Estella was walking down the path towards the beach to meet Logan and his family. After ducking low branches and jumping large twigs, Estella finally reaches the beach. The beach has white sand which is dented from the rain and beautiful olive green palm trees which sways in the wind. She walks over to the nine dark haired people who are sunbathing and sprinting, eating and swimming. "Hey!" Estella calls out, waving her knitted beach bag in the air. Some of them were too busy playing so they didn't look up, but the others including Logan waved back. Estella set her bag down on the beach mat, took off her long cloth skirt and folds it neatly in her bag before running up to Logan who was playing football with his siblings. As she ran kicking the beach ball with her blue paints toes, she felt the grains of sand crunch beneath her feet. She could smell the salt from the sea, as it wafts up her nose by the wind. She could also taste the sea water, the flavour of saline burns her tongue but it didn't bother her in the slightest. After a while of playing they settle down to 12 different types of sandwiches, fruit and cookies. Helping themselves to the food, they all talk. Following that they all got back up to continues playing, but instead Estella was strolling along the beach, hands cupped, holding sea shells of all different shapes and sizes. She continues, head in the clouds, each foot placed in front of the other, but then Estella stops dead. Down lying helpless on the sand was a bracelet. A gold charm bracelet. She picks it up, curiously and peers down at it. It looks like it had three charms on it, a heart and a wave was all that she could see. Estella looks around her, looking for any glint of metal. As she did so, the bracelet was sandwiched in her palm. It was cold, but warm at the same time. Estella could feel that someone had worn and loved this and evidently lost it. But there about to be washed up by an incoming wave is the other charm, a key. Estella stomps her foot down on it, before it was sucked up by the portal. It stabs into her foot, but the pain was relieved by the oncoming wave. She picks the charm up carefully and hooks it back on to the bracelet. Now it was complete. Estella lifts her head, to look beyond the sea, to try and see if she could just picture who it belongs to. But completely forgetting about the bracelet, Estella saw something, something that she didn't expect to see. There floating in the fog was a defenceless girl. Her platinum blonde hair hung down below her shoulder, and her frightened icy blue eyes stares back at her, almost pleading for help. Estella stares, but from that she blinks and it was gone. 

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