Dumber:the symbol of timeline dark past

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Name:dumber,the evil Frizea race,the symbol of timeline dark past

Attack potency:high universe" he stronger then ever and have some forms to fight the good guy's"-multiverse+" with golden forms,could destroy the whole galaxy or Even the universe"- high complex multiverse+"with 2 forms, he even stronger then god of destructions and Angels"-low Teraverse" as dark form and 8th form"-Archverse+" with Frizea race oozaru form,he killed many Zeno and grand priest even destroy Multiverse with his dark power" -low Macroverse"as Frizea god race,he can be beyond then black or diamond forms"-even higher"with final form,he should be below level to divine revenge Mira form"

About this person:he is the friend of cumber and wanted to find him and destroy good guy's who comes his way"
Strength/lifting strength:class Z-multi galactic-Universal] speed:massively FTL+- Immeasurable]strike strength: High Universe-multiverse+- high Complex Multiverse+-low Teraverse-Archverse+-low Macroverse-even higher] durability:High Universe- multiverse+-high Complex Multiverse+-low Teraverse- Archverse+-low Macroverse- even higher]stamina:low godly- high godly]intelligence:above average

Techniques:God Slaying Beam,roaring rage fist
Powerful techniques:unknown

Personality:very rage and rampageing and talk only if he do something do to the fighter
Species:Frizea race,Saiyan race"40% DNA"
Place/home:Frizea race planet in some timeline,timeline 7 type-corrupted
Dislikes:everything that is weak to him or good
Likes:be friends with cumber,fight something fun to destroy

Powers/abilities:superhuman physical characteristics,evil ki manipulation,teleportation, flight,tail control,regeneration" low godly",slash manipulation, purple aura,wave generation, Punch manipulation,Lazer manipulation,immortality"type 1.2.3",golden ki manipulation, muscle manipulation,sound manipulation,shadow manipulation,berserk mode, dark ki manipulation,life absorption,god ki projection, choas manipulation,evil aura, smash manipulation,rage power,evil telekinesis,rule manipulation,earthquake manipulation,mind control, knight summon,wrath empowerment,roar manipulation,dark Kaiju summon,Resistance to extreme cold.posion.cosmic radiation. Heat.absorption.dark ki.evil aura.acid.madness.evil aura. Death and fate

Backstory:he was born and was training by his father some years they were overpowered and his father was dead and he was sent to prison and let cumber and be friends then cumber was gone by someone and he will get stronger to find him
Weakness:if he gets overpowered,if his stomach is the weak spot for him
Forms:golden 5th form,golden form, the ultimate second form,ultimate final form,ultimate darkness 5th form,8th form,Frizea race oozaru,Frizea race god form,destroyer 9th form


Golden 5th form

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Golden 5th form

Golden 5th form

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