Time angel&yeno

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Name:time angel,the supreme time angel

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Name:time angel,the supreme time angel

Attack potency:Boundless"he far superior then yeno,he can fight demon gods or higher"- boundless level+"he can fight demon timeline kings that are threat to everything"

About this person:he is the first time angel to create angle race and the powerful one as well
Strength/lifting strength: Higher]speed:infinite speed] strike strength:boundless- boundless+]durability: boundless-boundless+] stamina:unlimited]intelligence: higher

Powerful techniques:unknown

Personality:very kind and serious sometimes
Weapon:time staff
Species:time angel

Place/home:time Justice place,time throne room
Dislikes:strong foes,timelines get destroyed
Likes:like to be good and nice,training some new poeple

Powers/abilities:superhuman physical characteristics,godly time manipulation,immortality" type",time power,flight, speed manipulation,light generation,Omnipotence,time ki manipulation,Omni force manipulation,Omniscience, Omni combat,holy power,time teleportation,Omni defense, Regeneration"mid godly", acrobatics,time Angel manipulation,omnipresence, shockwave manipulation, almighty weapon creation and unlimited power,resistance to absolute existence erasure. Corruption.Elements.acid. posion.time power.mind control.plot abilities.pain

Backstory:he was in love with unknown time angel and she was killed by something until he destroy them all for killing her and he was the time angel for time god king guy
Forms:full power

Backstory:he was in love with unknown time angel and she was killed by something until he destroy them all for killing her and he was the time angel for time god king guyWeakness:nonForms:full power

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Name:yeno,the king of timelines,the great one of all multiverse timelines

Attack potency:multi Extra verse"he strong then any being and far superior then the guards"-boundless"when he goes all out he can ease the whole omniverse or anything, he fought the timeline demon kings" | boundless level+"in his dragon form he can be stronger then before"

About this person:he is no joke and now will never be mess with,he ruler of timelines and multiverse and he did do his job all the time
Strength/lifting strength: infinite]speed:Immeasurable] strike strength:multi Extraverse -boundless-boundless+] durability:multi Extraverse- boundless-boundless+]stamina: high godly]intelligence:Omni scient

Techniques:hakai time beam
Powerful techniques:unknown

Personality:very mad when some time supreme Kai's fail to protect or if it was destroyed and get happy sometimes,he flirty and calm and very wise.
Weapon:claws,jaw,tail, spikes
Species:Multiversalian race

Place/home:time throne,time Justice place,his home,his room
Dislikes:something happened to the timelines,bad news,seeing something not fun,new foes
Likes:eat and play bored games,card games,watch,time tournament

Powers/abilities:superhuman physical characteristics,time manipulation,immortality"type", flight,god dragon force generation,regeneration" high Godly",transformation, shockwave manipulation, acrobatics,Omnipotence, crystal manipulation,absolute Existence Erasure,god ki manipulation,multiverse manipulation,Omnificence, timeline manipulation,Omni Manipulation,Omniscience,plot manipulation,Multiversal Lord ship,Omnipresence,time power, omni defense,Omni combat, absolute destruction power, immune to normal or greater existence erasure abilities.Mind control.pain.corruption.acid. elements.posion.time power. Plot abilities

Backstory:he was a normal time guy until they let him became king of timelines and make him powerful as well so he could make sure nothing happens
Forms:full power,timeline ultra dragon


Timeline ultra dragon

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