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Killua was so nervous, he was currently waiting in the city centre, tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for Gon. Yes he was the one who suggested to go out, but he still has this nervousness inside. That he just can't wait to see Gon.

Killua then suddenly heard panting, as he turned to his left, he saw Gon wearing a dark green hoodie and black jeans and white converse.
Even though it was the most plain outfit Killua has seen, regardless he still thinks Gon looks cute in it, with the oversized sleeves covering up most of his arms. Yes, he has fallen for the boy deeply.

"Sorry! So sorry I'm late!" Gon says in between his breaths.

"Oh it's ok! I wasn't waiting here long" Killua waved his hands about.

"I got lost....I usually don't go out much, so I'm not use to shopping centres" Gon says.

"Huh ok....well where do you wanna go first?" Killua asked.

Gon blinked a few times. "Excuse me?"

"I'm asking you where you wanna go, since I asked you out im treating you" Killua said.

Gon's cheeks turned slightly red. "Ohhh uh...is there any cafes nearby? I umm...haven't had breakfast and I'm craving donuts for some reason"

Killua pulled a small pout, "dude if you want a donut just say so, also why would you skip breakfast?"

Gon chuckles "I was too excited to meet you!" He answered truthfully.

Killua blushed. "Idiot we see each other at school..." he muttered.

"Yeah I know! But this is my first time going out with a friend!" Gon smiled.

Killua looked at him with awe, "you owe me both"

"Well come on, let's find you some donuts" Killua started walking and Gon followed behind.

Gon and Killua sat down in a nice cafe. It had cream coloured walls with lots of old fashioned black and white paintings and some vine leaves dotted here and there, and the booths were a brown leather and a big table in the middle of each one.

"Ooh this is nice" Gon looked around in amazement and noticed they were already up at the counter.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" The lady spoke behind the cash machine.

"Uhh I will have a hot chocolate, what about you Gon?" Killua bend down his head and saw Gon staring through the glass window display of all the sugary treats and pastries. And there he saw donuts.

"Uhh can I have that chocolate donut please?" Gon pointed to the one he wanted and the lady nodded in understanding and picked it up for him and placed it in a bag. "Your hot chocolate will be on the way sir" she said to Killua, as he thanked and payed her and went to choose a booth.

After a long day, it was night time and the boys did a lot of shopping and exploring and just spending time together.

Now they are sitting at a park, looking up at the stars dotted across the sky.

Killua turned his head over and smiled lovingly at Gon who was admiring the stars with a beaming face. He would like to see him smile more often.

"Thank you Killua" Gon spoke softly. Killua looked at him in shock.

"Pfft-what for?" He chuckled.

"Just for taking me out....i tried going out myself but I guess I never had a reason to, since I don't have many friends, but I have you now" Gon smiled at him, Killua smiled back.

"Well it's good for your mental health, you should do it more often" Killua leaned back on the bench.

"Yeah...i guess I've been too scared ever since.."

"The incident, right?" Killua cut him off.

Gon looked at him , completely off guard.

"H-how much do you know?" Gon said, a bit horrified.

Killua was suddenly taken back. He took Gon's hand.

"Well...mostly all of it but not a lot of details, Miss. Bisky told me but please don't go blaming her, I was just too curious about you and I thought you would be uncomfortable talking about it so I went to her instead. I promise I haven't told anyone and I will never. All I want..."

Gon looked up at Killua with twinkling eyes.

"All I want is for you to be happy....ever since I joined this school, my new goal was to make you smile, I-i can't say why exactly but-"

Gon stopped Killua as he gave a quick peck on the lips.

Killua went wide eyed. "Uh-b—b-b"

"I'm sorry! Shouldn't I of done that?!" Gon freaked.

Killua shook his head. "N-no! I mean uh, sighs, I've been waiting to do that for a while..." Killua finally got himself together and smiled.

Gon blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"M-me too actually" he said quietly.

"Gon..." Killua intertwined his fingers with Gon's.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Gon froze but his heart was pounding so much.

Tears started running down his face.

"Yes! Yes Killua! I will!" He shouted and pulled Killua into a hug.

"I'm so glad..." Killua whispered.

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