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"Empire! we cannot win this with that demon still there, he is to powerful this army is nothing to him!" an ill minded soldier spoke up against the howling of the others who are gathered around me. The troops are degrading to look at as they cry for they are terrified of a man, their armor is torn and they looked terrible, they are worthless to me if they will not fight."SILENCE", the troops quieted their wails as I spoke up to them,"...are you going to let one man,ONE MAN stop your leader from gaining this land, are you going to HUMILIATE me because you cannot fathom fighting him, he is one against many," i pause to look the hopeless men in their eyes " but, all of you have nothing to fear for we have a weapon far stronger than this king of darkness and we will defeat him with it and the Turks will rule this land". After i completed my speech the troops seemed to have regained a little hope for it but i was confident in the weapon that i have discovered for she will be the thing that leads me into victory and I will become the ruler of Europe with the help of her.

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