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As stood next to Mehmed with my face to all the troops i did not smile nor did i frown, i could tell these men where cautious of me, they thought i was unworthy of standing next to their leader and that i was weak. Mehmed lead me further towards his troops with my hand still held in his,"This right here gentlemen is our new soldier, a very valuable one, so treat her with respect or your hands will be cut off." with that said Mehmed let go of my hand and stepped back telling me to introduce myself to my fellow soldiers. "Hello, my name is Vera, i am here to fight with you, i am not here to play games with you and as your leader said if you disrespect me i will not hesitate to hurt you." the troops seemed to think this was a joke as when i finished some men decided to snicker at my threat. When i heard this snickers i looked at Mehmed as to ask permission to show them what exactly i could do but was not allowed as he said "Not yet darling i want it to be a surprise to them.".With him saying that he motioned me back into the tent which was good cause with the sun still rising the shadow of the tent i was hiding in was moving. As we entered the men who where previously in the room before we first arrived entered again and they all crowded around the large table again, then Mehmed spoke up "since we were not able to attack them this sunrise we will go out and do it at sunset, we will send out a couple of our men with our newly gained soldier."so i was right they were about to attack when i was spotted " but sir she is a new one and a women at that!".Once that comment was spoken my pupils turned a reddish color and all i could do to hold myself back was to dig my nails into my palms and look up at Mehmed to see if i can get the 'go ahead' signal from him to attack the disrespectful man. "Now what did i say about disrespecting our new soldier" it seemed if Mehmed was saying i could go but i would behave until i knew for sure, " but sir she is a women she does not belong on the battle field let alone lead troops on an attack!". It seemed that this man was not going to stop so as i looked at Mehmed again he nodded his head and that was all i needed as i slammed the man against one of the polls holding the large tent up " Darling Vera all i ask is that you do not break the tent".I replied still in the same position with my pupils red and my teeth out " yes sir" and at that i slung the disgraceful man to the floor and Mehmed continued his talk with the other men. As i dealed with the now slowly dying man i could feel the other men's worried gazes on my back but Mehmed carried on with his plans. As i stood up i cleared my face of the disgusting man's blood, when Mehmed saw that i was finished he spoke to all the men once more, "Now is there any more objections to the darling Vera leading our trips?" at that all the men looked at me and i replied with a glare at their stares."Good now that that is out the way get the men ready they leave in ten" with that the men cleared out the room cautious of the dead mans body and me, "Vera Darling are you ready to go out" Mehmed said as he walked towards me," yes sir".As we walked out of the tent Mehmed called two men to remove the body from inside and said he has direct target for me to get."there will be a man that has killed many of my men in previous fights with him and i want you to target him, his name is Vlad and he is like you, i want him gone can you do that for me darling.". Finding out that there is another person like me isn't something i like, it does not give me hope or anything i just want to defeat him, that  is what my mission is and i will see that i complete it" yes sir when do we leave." at that he looks up at the troops, " now Darling and i expect you back here by sunrise". With that information we start walking towards the front and i nod at his order, i'm hoping this will be fun i haven't had fun in a long time , as that thought appears i see we are at the gate and that i will have to cover my face with my hood now that i do  not have shade from the tents and Mehmed.Once the troops that are going with me know the plan and that i will be leading them we start to head out and the moment we reach the edge of the forest i can feel the adrenaline rush through me and a smile appears on my face, and all i can think is that this will be one hell of a hunt.

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