11. hate 😶😑

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After dinner

Taehyung and jungkook left for jeon mansion with kids

They didn't share they didn't even looked at each other , he is looking outside whole time

While jungkook is busy driving it's not would talk anyway

Yunguk and rina (ungrateful duk and pu*ssy brats) also fell a sleep in backseat

After sometime

They arrive at jeon mansion Jungkook carried rina and guk to their room leaving behind him like always

After they left, Tae also go inside the mansion but not jungkook's room

With jungkook

Jungkook layed down guk and rina in bed then he went to washroom to get fresh

After sometime

He come out of washroom and change into comfortable clothes

Jk: why didn't he come

Where is taehyung, he thought to go down and check but stopped thinking where will he go

He must be doing something in kitchen or living room come whenever he will be done with that he lay down in his bed as well

With tae , he come his own room He used to stay here before guk and rina come to this world

Tae: in this you made love- sorry you fu*ked me there was nothing like love between us (bitter smile)

He glance at himself in the mirror, He did lose weight not in a good way

They don't have many maids in the house because tae always do all the house works

It's not like that tae love cooking or something but once kids got ill when a maid cooked for them

Hereafter tae always make food for them but guk and rina never respect that thing

He was sassy student in his university also the class topper but after the marriage he lose his self respect

Tae: okayy ok you all never liked me and my work right

I promise I never do those works again (sarcastic smile)

Tae: Mr jeon you will never have to see me again

Well not filled the Comment section

Hope you all like it

Lobe you all ❤️

Bye 👋

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