prologue part 1: motorcycles, musings and minecraftstar the pigeon

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( ✷          WARNINGS :
brief mention of cannibalism (sorry guyss) but nothing detailed !!! u know who u are tho lolz )

( ✷          ASTRY'S NOTES :
i want to see mucho comments every1 😈🙏🏿 )


I'm not entirely sure if the house in front of me is the challenge's actual location, or if I've just blindly followed the address to some rich oligarch's house. You're telling me that I'm going to spend a night in this mansion doing fuck all, and walk out a multi-millionaire? This is some Disney-level shit, the kind of situation you dream about once and never get to experience. It's so fortunate that it's laughable.

And it's a nice mansion, by my standards. Real bougie stuff. Not that I've ever lived in a mansion, but a girl can dream. It's got the fountain in the centre, with a group of cherubs spitting thin streams of water into a crystal pool. The mansion itself is split into three sections, and the whole thing is boarded off by a large gate. I bet the food here is fucking amazing.

"Minecraftstar," I hold my hands out as a landing pad for my chubby little pigeon to land on, "you're gonna be a good little chickadee for me while I'm gone, aren't you?"

It pecks at my palms in that funny way birds do. I dig into my pockets for a handful of birdseed for it to munch on. "I know you can't send me letters, but you're gonna go home and wait for me, right? I pinky promise I'll be home as soon as the challenge finishes, and I'm gonna get you the finest birdseed money can buy!"

Minecraftstar cocks its head to the side, little crumbs of feed stuck to its beak. I brush them off gently and press a kiss to its forehead.

My moment of silence is rudely interrupted by the loud revving of a motorcycle engine. My poor pigeon flutters off in a flurry of startled coos and feathers, seeking shelter on the rooftop of the mansion and leaving me with a handful of half-eaten birdseed.

I squint my eyes to see a motorcycle cruising along the footpath (which is probably illegal), weaving between bins and park benches (also probably illegal). It comes to a stop a few metres away from the mansion's front gate where I'm standing.

Wait, who is that? Isn't this a solo challenge?

A girl gets off — she's wearing a leather jacket and pinstripe trousers, like a makeshift suit. It's classy in a weird retro way, but I'm too angry to think of giving compliments. Her stupid motorbike scared off Minecraftstar, and that's a Grade A offence in my book. Which I should get. A real book to write these offences in.

She takes off her helmet, revealing a literal cloud of electric-blue hair, which totally defies the laws of physics because no way can that much hair fit into a helmet. It's cool enough to warrant a reaction out of me which I quickly hide. I'm supposed to be angry, not intrigued.

Only when she moves do I realize that there's a plus-one on her bike — a slightly shorter girl wearing a cherry print dress and a red beret. The other girl helps her off, giving room for her to gracefully step off the motorbike and adjust her outfit, giggling like a wind chime. Her outfit is really nice now that I get a good look at it.

But I remember that I'm supposed to be angry with them, so I furrow my brows and cross my arms. Because I am angry. Heck yeah I am.

"Woah little lady, what's with the face?" The blue one tucks her helmet under her arm and leaves her bike, walking up to me. I rarely find myself pondering my height (or my lack of it), but she fucking towers over me. It's mildly infuriating. "You OK?"

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