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After his long exploration adventure that lasted too long off the island, the wizard was finally back home. She didn't expect to find anyone because it was already very late at night and most likely her boyfriend and daughter were in the dragon and must have already been asleep. Without further ado, she sighed exhausted and prepared to climb the long stairs to the tower.

Inside the tower that same night there were Leo and fools preparing to go to rest because it was already after 10 at night, that night they would not stay in the dragon, since they had already gotten used to sleeping in the wizard's tower, made them feel close every time they missed him; Just when all the lights were out, the front door suddenly opened and a somewhat large black figure could barely be noticed in the deep darkness of the night. The father and daughter quickly grabbed their swords and challenged the figure.

-Who are you and what are you doing here? -The fools asked with a threatening tone-

Quickly with a snap, all the lights turned on, revealing that the dark figure was none other than that wizard who owned the tower. Quickly, both Leo and Los Locos dropped their swords and in the blink of an eye they pounced on the black-haired man who was received with hugs and tears because his loves missed him very much.

-Pa' you came back -sob-

-Of course, my daughter, I promised you I would return, I'm sorry it took me so long" -he apologized to both of them, kissing their foreheads.-

-I miss you so much -Fools clung to the hug-

"I missed you a lot too, my love," he said subtly taking Fools' face, delicately kissing his lips, a kiss that the shark hybrid immediately reciprocated. When the wizard pulled away, he spoke again.

-It's late, we must rest and I'm getting tired of carrying them to both

-Oops -a sorry Fools apologized because he had not realized that all this time the purple lover had been carrying him and Leo -

-Well, my girl, it's time to rest, -Vege mentioned, fluttering her daughter's hair, who no longer looked as small as he remembered her.

-But I don't want to, I want to separate myself from you again, dad, -she pouted, -how about you leave again?-

Vege's heart broke to see how his little offspring was afraid that he would leave again.

-I promise I won't leave again, now let's all go to sleep, okay? Let's go to sleep my love - he took Leo in his arms and Fools by the hand and they all headed to the room that the couple shared -

So the three of them stayed to sleep in the same bed with the black-haired man in the middle "to prevent him from escaping."

The next morning, Locos called Roier to go to the tower to have breakfast with her husband and children, who were surprised to see the warrior back. That same morning everyone updated Vege and formally introduced him to his grandchildren, who were excited to finally meet their other grandfather. She also discovered how much her boyfriend had improved in Spanish with the help of his children and his grandson, Pepito, although he still retained his tender, characteristic accent. They told him the things they experienced in purgatory. Although the black-haired man seemed to not like knowing how his family was suffering at all and promised to protect them from now on, in the same way the brave warrior told of all the adventures he lived in search of inspiration, materials and the place perfect for the new big project

-And what is this great project for you? -asked a curious Roier.

-Yes, grandfather, what's wrong? -Richas and Pepito joined-

- You see - with magic he removed all the plates from the dining room table and spread some plans on the table - there is the construction of this castle.

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