a very real fantasy tale

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Era una noche fría la familia Brown se encontraba acampando bajo la luz de la luna, en este momento todos estaban rodeando una pequeña fogata mientras contaban historias de terror y fantasía

-ya es bastante tarde, deberíamos irnos a descansar -mencionó el ojiamatista-

-solo uno historia mas abuelo -sonrió inocente pepito-

-si apa una solo una más aun no es media noche -apoyo Leo-

-la enana tiene razón Pa!

-no me digas así tontoier -le mostro la lengua-

-que tengas 15 no te quita lo chaparra -le mostro la lengua de regreso-

-papa Roier me está molestando -se quejó-

-Roier no molestes a Leo -intervino Fools-

-si guapito no molestes a Leocita

-si siguen discutiendo no contare la última historia -suspiro exasperado el pelinegro-

Con eso dicho todos guardaron la compostura acomodándose y se escucharon atentos lo que estaba por contar el mago

-erase una vez un sabio y muy apuesto elfo que vivía recluido del mundo acompañado solo por sus gatos encerrado entre las frías paredes de un enorme castillo, pasaba sus noches y días sufriendo por un amor que le traicionó y se aprovechó de él robando sus riquezas, un día cansado de su soledad y de estar sumergido en la miseria decidió emprender un viaje a un lugar muy, muy, muy lejano, al llegar a su destino busco la montaña mas hermosa para establecer los cimientos de su nuevo hogar, su estadía en este nuevo lugar transcurría con normalidad hasta que se topó con los ojos verdes mas hermosos que vio en su vida, esos hermosos ojos pertenecían a un precioso chico tótem -Vege dirigió su mirada a Fools quien ya lo estaba viendo, el pelinegro sonrio con total adoración antes de continuar con su historia- al pasar de los días el elfo y el chico tótem se hicieron buenos amigos pasaban las tardes juntos platicando o saliendo de aventuras lo que ocasionaba un acercamiento mas intimo entre ambos, pronto el chico de brillantes ojos verdes fue llenado de regalos por parte del elfo los coqueteos descarados entre los 2 se hicieron presentes, lo que rápidamente se convirtió en un romance, los roces y besos fugaces no se hicieron esperar un día por azares del destino tuvieron que hacerse cargo de una pequeña dragoncita -dirigió su vista a Leo unos segundos antes de continuar- convirtiéndose en padres, la llegada de su nueva hija los unió mucho mas y su amor creció cada día, un tiempo después adoptaron otro hijo aunque era algo tonto -miro a Roier arrugar el ceño y se rio en silencio- eran una familia feliz y aunque el sabio elfo estaba completamente enamorado de su chico algo dentro de él lo hacía dudar en su pasado sufrió tanto por amor que no sabía hasta cuando duraría el amor que el chico tótem le profesaba pues creía que en algún momento se aburriría de l y lo cambiaria tenía medio a salir lastimado otra vez pero todos sus pensamientos se vieron interrumpidos pues el elfo tubo que despedirse por un tiempo de su familia pues debía regresar al su lugar para arreglar algunas situaciones de su pasado como el guerrero y héroe que alguna vez fue -suspiro nostálgico-

Cuando regreso al fin con su familia había pasado demasiado tiempo el elfo no esperaba que su familia creciera agregando más miembros -vio con una sonrisa a sus nietos y yerno- mucho menos se esperó que su pareja hubiese estado todo este tiempo esperándolo y era aun mas extraño que lo siguiera amando después de irse y dejarlo solo por tanto tiempo pero eso fue suficiente para que elfo se diera cuenta que debía perder el miedo al amor pues su chicho tótem jamás lo lastimaría -miro a su familia que se estaban quedando dormidos- es así como ambos decidieron unir sus almas para siempre en acto de amor puro celebrando una boda la felicidad volvió a reinar y ahora toda la familia vivía junta disfrutando de cada momentos juntos

El mago arropo a sus hijos y nietos dejando un tierno beso en sus frentes y desearle buenas noches a su yerno antes de apagar la fogata y acurrucarse al lado de su pareja

-te amo Fools mi tótem de ojos hermosos

-Yo también te amo mi pequeño elfo mitológico -ambos sellaron su amor con un beso antes de irse a dormir-


It was a cold night, the Brown family was camping under the moonlight, at this moment they were all around a small campfire while they were telling stories of terror and fantasy.

"It's late enough, we should go to rest," said the ojiamatista.

"Just one more story grandpa," smiled pepito innocently.

"Yes, just one more, it's not even midnight yet," supported Leo.

"The dwarf is right Pa!

""Don't call me that, Tontoier" she stuck out his tongue at her.

"Just because you're 15 doesn't make you any less short," he showed him his tongue back.

"Dad, Roier is bothering me," she complained.

"Roier don't bother Leo," interjected Fools.

-Yes, guapito, don't bother Leocita.

"If you keep arguing I won't tell the last story," Sighed the black-haired man in exasperation.

With that said, they all kept their composure and listened attentively to what the magician was about to tell them.

"Once upon a time there was a wise and very handsome elf who lived secluded from the world accompanied only by his cats locked within the cold walls of a huge castle, he spent his nights and days suffering for a love that betrayed him and took advantage of him stealing his riches, one day tired of his loneliness and of being submerged in misery he decided to undertake a journey to a place far, far, far away, when he arrived at his destination he looked for the most beautiful mountain to establish the foundations of his new home, his stay in this new place was going normally until he came across the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen in his life, those beautiful eyes belonged to a beautiful totem boy" Vege directed his gaze to Fools who was already looking at him, the black-haired boy smiled with total adoration before continuing with his story "as the days went by the elf and the totem boy became good friends, they spent the afternoons together talking or going on adventures which caused a more intimate approach between them, soon the boy with bright green eyes was filled with gifts from the elf, the shameless flirtations between the two of them became present, what quickly turned into a romance, the fleeting frictions and kisses were not long in coming, one day by chance they had to take care of a little dragon" he looked at Leo for a few seconds before continuing "becoming parents, the arrival of their new daughter united them much more and their love grew every day, some time later they adopted another son even though he was a bit silly" he looked at Roier frowning and laughed silently. "They were a happy family and although the wise elf was completely in love with his boy something inside him made him doubt in his past he suffered so much for love that he didn't know how long would last the love that the totem boy professed to him because he believed that at some point he would get bored of him and change him he was afraid to get hurt again but all his thoughts were interrupted because the elf had to say goodbye for a while to his family because he had to return to his place to fix some situations of his past as the warrior and hero he once was". he sighed nostalgically

"When he finally returned to his family it had been too long, the elf didn't expect his family to grow by adding more members" he saw with a smile his grandchildren and son-in-law "Much less did he expect his partner to have been waiting for him all this time and it was even stranger that he still loved him after leaving him alone for so long but that was enough for the elf to realize that he had to lose the fear of love because his totem boy would never hurt him" He looked at his family who were falling asleep "that's how they both decided to unite their souls forever in an act of pure love celebrating a wedding and happiness reigned again and now the whole family lived together enjoying every moment together.

The magician tucked in his children and grandchildren leaving a tender kiss on their foreheads and wished his son-in-law good night before extinguishing the fire and snuggling next to his partner.

-I love you Fools my totem with beautiful eyes

-I love you too my little mythological elf -they both sealed their love with a kiss before going to sleep-.

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