I Love You Dangerously,

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Kai felt terrible for Coco, like different families left the expectations in these four years that their friends or family person would return. The government was quiet and frozen, Families decided to go on with their lives without losing hope, they were hoping that someday- Someday they would walk in through that door smiling & hug them.

Ma-ri was in her last month of pregnancy and she would not do the gender reveal party cause her husband hadn't returned at this point, Coco was living in wretchedness without showing wounds on her heart getting a lot further. Coco was clearly faulting herself for sending him off Allowing him to go in any case, she might have done it secretly rather than Taehyung yet he would've come behind her, She was having a wide range of considerations of losing him as well.

"Ma-ri-ya.. kindly don't lose trust you're carrying his little one inside it'll influence the child you realize Mother ought to be cautious with their viewpoints as well " Yuri was addressing her again for sitting blankly and gazing at the wall.

Yuri was about to prepare her healthy lunch plater & turn to Ma-ri to feed her, as she turned back she saw Ma-ri lying down on the floor unconscious. She was immediately taken to the hospital, Coco & Namjoon both went with her while Yuri stayed back home to take care of the kids.

 Eventually, Ma-ri went into labor & due to some reason all the pain & signs stopped, Seeing her condition The doctor had to take out the baby earlier. C-Section it is! Namjoon signed the form as a responsible relative (Brother) & she was operated on.

Yeah, the baby was finally born & It was a Boy! Just like they all wanted, he was in the ICU care. Ma-ri lost scenes in both legs in short her legs stopped working. It was hard for her. She was going through a lot.

Before it could go any worse Taehyung showed up at the door out of nowhere, The Couple shared a very emotional moment everyone was beyond happy. Finally, they welcomed the baby boy into the house, Ma-ri had to deal with permanent damage to her legs which will never work again! she'll never be able to walk again, if she'll walk it'll be a miracle it'll take some magic to happen.

Coco felt guilty so she took the whole responsibility, she became her Nurse taking care of her & her baby 24/7, Taehyung now had 2 women who looked forward to his family it wasn't like Coco had never helped him before, but now She was the Mommy of the house.

Taehyung didn't find much on Jungkook they just knew that everyone was scatted during the war & hiding in the city from those people & secretly getting their missions done, some Soldiers were held hostages somewhere in the woods, and they predicted that he was there for sure.

 By the end of the year, some soldiers came & knocked on the door.

 Kim family was having nice days till one day, Taehyung opened the door and his smile faded into a straight line, Coco followed him behind to see & that the same thing happened to her. They were Soldiers. They entered the house & handed Coco a neatly folded flag with a uniform & 208 no. batch with some stars & other badges placed on it.

That was it! was it for real? or is this some kinda sick jock?? Coco's hands shake as she drops everything on the floor & cries her heart out she punches the soldiers in the chest with her tiny fists who are holding back & saluting her.

"Coco?? Coco-ya?? Hey?? Are you ok? hey girl what is going on?" Taehyung tried to wake up Coco who fell asleep on the couch without her knowing. She was tired from working in the office & and at home taking care of Ma-ri & kids she would eventually fall asleep any time her body touched a soft surface.

Taehyung spotted her & saw tears rolling down from her eyes her fists were grabbing the couch he knew she was having a bad dream as he woke her up. She hugged him tight & sobbed, these 5 years he never even showed up in her dreams & what is this weird sh!t she just witnessed? it was so unsettling for her.

She was now scared to even the door after the doorbell rang, sometimes dreams can mess up with you really bad, no matter how strong you've your beliefs.


        Coco turned 30 at this point, and the kids in the house grew up faster too & became mature enough to understand the family's condition, Coco was well well-known name in the community they were living in, she was a hard-working & famous music producer. She became very strong in all the things she's been through in her past & she was training The Kim Kids to become mentally & physically strong.

  Namjoon & Taehyung were so proud of her for changing into a strong woman, she hired a caretaker for Ma-ri but still, she did everything for her physically being with her.

Kim brothers never dared to encourage marriage or have her own family & stuff, They knew her bonding with Jungkook this unbreakable relationship, and her strong belief that he was alive and would come back any second. Her age was going off she was getting older and older they really wanted to see her happy & living her life.

 One evening she was sitting by the lake, reminding her memories with Jungkook lightly smiling, "Forget that fresh flower me being on your grave even you touch me with this breeze I'll understand I just want a little moment of you being somewhere on this piece of land, Jungkook-ah.. I haven't lost hope yet & I'll never but please don't let me hang in for nothing, your promises aren't empty please prove that"

These thoughts were going through her mind, she heard much news of soldiers being found till now, they've returned to their countries many of them found dead some bodies weren't even found.
Not because of war but because of natural disasters! The Earthquake hit the place where many of their soldiers died for no reason even after surviving the war.

God or Universe whatever it is you believe is very cruel isn't it?? if it isn't willing to give you something it'll do everything in every way not to give even an idea of it getting back to you! Why didn't it think of those families who were waiting for their Sons their fathers their mothers their husbands their friends their everything!! how many families go dry just by gulping down one member from those families? Being a soldier isn't an easy thing it takes a lot to sacrifice & before leaving they knew these consequences they prepared themselves for this like forever.

The earthquake thing really hit hard to many families including Coco there was no way anyone could survive that gruesome disaster, it did kill many of the gangs involved there. 


*beep* "March.. no.990 is found, sir.. over " *beep*

*beep* "March pass noted just make a list & send it to the base now we have good signal strength over...r" *signal disturbed*

*beep* "March.. Ok NO problem sir.. *long pause* .. S-sir? Sir.. no-no.2-..

"March passed you didn't over.. what happened? Is something wrong??" Over"

"S-Sir No.2- .. 208's shoe is found & I-I think th-.... *pause* there is blood to it.. over"

*beep* "What?? are you serious?? sample!! take the sample immediately!! over.."

"Bl-blood is very dry so I've to cut the piece off & send the shoe to storage.. *beep* there is no trace of other stuff.. over"

"*sigh* keep looking commander.. *beep* we've got a lot of time on our plate"




All the mentioned medical conditions are fictional and created for the story, it's not real so don't relate yourself or anyone to it, it's written to give shape to characters.

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