001. My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong

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If you are reading this when it is recently published, check out the update on the first "chapter" thing (march 24)!!

Days before winter break, Percy picked up me, Thalia, unfortunately, and Annabeth to take us to a new boarding school.

I arrived at camp Half-Blood around 2 years after Thalia's tree incident and became friends with Annabeth quickly. I also got claimed after I became closer to Silena. I remember when Annabeth used to say,
"You and Thalia would get along so well." Boy was she wrong. When Percy arrived, i only really became friends with him because of Annabeth.

8 hours of driving went by so slowly, especially being in the same car as Thalia, but the only thing that kept me from opening the door and jumping out was Percy's mom's embarrassing Percy stories. Also winning arguments against Thalia, sticking my tongue out, bragging.

When we arrived Thalia wiped the fog off the window and looked out, " Oh, yeah. This will be fun." I grabbed her wrist, "Dont touch the windows, idiot."

She just rolled her eyes and sat back down into her seat.

Westover Hall looked like an evil knight's castle, according to Percy. It was all black stone, with towers and slit windows and a big set of wooden double doors. It stood on a snowy cliff overlooking this big frosty forest on one side and the gray churning ocean on the other.

"Are you sure you dont want me to wait?" I heard Sally, Percy's mom, ask.

"No, thanks, Mom," Percy said. "I dont know how long it will take."

"We'll be okay." I said, with a reassuring smile, just to calm her worries.

"But how will you get back? Im worried, Percy."

Percy looked like he was embarrassed, his cheeks all red.

"Its okay, Ms. Jackson." A blond girl said, Annabeth. Though you couldnt see the locks due to them being tucked into her ski cap. "We'll keep him out of trouble."
Percy's mom looked more relaxed. Annabeth was the most mature one here, and probably the most dependable.

"All right, dears. Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, Ms. Jackson," That annoying voice spoke. "Thanks for the ride."

"Extra sweaters? You have my cell number?"

"Mom—" Percy started to say but got interrupted.

"Your ambrosia and nectar, Percy? And golden drachma in case you need to contact camp?"

"Mom, seriously! We'll be fine. Come on, guys." Percy snapped

Percy opened the door and I was the last one out. Before the door shut i quickly said, "Thank you Ms, Jackson." And she smiled back.

I stepped out feeling a cool breeze against my bare hands.
"It's cold." I muttered, putting my hands in my pocket
"Really? I mean we are surrounded by piles of snow." Thalia replied
I glared at her and rolled my eyes.
"Your mom is so cool, Percy." She said.

"She's pretty okay. What about you? You ever get in touch?" Gods, I dont even like Thalia that much but even I felt bad. Percy had a look of regret on his face.

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