Hello Rosie

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We sat in an awkward silence. Vaggie had just explained the whole angel thing and everyone was now on edge about the whole "the hotel is first on the chopping block" shit. I was very on edge. If this hotel was first then I could lose everything! My sister my friends, everyone. But I have to try and be calm. "So like, where are your wings?" Nifty asked "Nifty I don't have-" "did you ever think she's sensitive to those questions Nif?" I asked "just like her lack of tits?" Angel smirked "not helping." I said with gritted teeth "yeah where are your tits?" Nifty asked her "any other questions?" Vaggie asked as she picked up then dropped Nifty on the floor. "Did Y/N know? And if yes does that mean she was an Angel as well?" Angel asked "yes I knew but I wasn't an Angel. I knew she got into Heaven though" I Shrugged "wait how'd you know that?" Vaggie asked me "I saw you kill someone as I was trying to run" I Shrugged "okay fair enough." She said back "here's another one. How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?" Husk asked "it's not her fault. Angels are just-" "liars?" Angel asked "Difficult. But Charlie's trying her best." Vaggie said to him "yeah well her best is turning out real well so far." Husk said sarcastically "Husk. Knock it off." I said with a small glare. I was just on edge, we were being attacked first and it was terrifying! "And where is miss fearless leader anyway? Isn't it about time for another 'doomed to fail' plan?" Angel asked. I shot him a glare. "She's upstairs coming up with something, I'm sure, in our room." Vaggie said, then Alastor disappeared "what's he up to now?" I mumbled as I walked to the bar to get a drink.

Time skip

I drank my whiskey in silence, the awkwardness of the previous moment was back as Vaggie was defending Charlie's dream. suddenly a green light surrounded the area. "No. NO!" Vaggie yelled as she ran up the stairs. Then it clicked. Alastor left after Vaggie said Charlie was sun their room. Alastor tricked Charlie FUCK! once the green lights stopped we all just looked at eachother "the actual fuck was that?" Angel asked "Alastor." Husk and I said at the same time. "What did he do?" Sir Pentious asked, I gave Husk a nervous glance in response. We all sat back down and then Charlie and Alastor walked down the stairs "Charlie are you-" "no time!" She yelled as she left with Alastor, then Vaggie walked down the stairs. "So, uh, Alastor and Charlie just left like they were runnin' Say from their responsibilities. Should we be alarmed?" Angel asked "no. We have a plan, but it includes defending ourselves against the angels." Vaggie said to us. I spat out my drink immediately "are you fuckin' high!?!" Husk yelled "they can be killed-" "yeah! That knife lady Camaro Carfight Killed one!" One of Pentious' Egg Bois smiled "hold up. How did you know?" I asked "I told Boss months ago" he grinned "He what!?!" Me and Vaggie yelled as we glared at Pentious "what!?! They say insane shit all the time! How was I supposed to know this one was true!?!" Sir Pentious yelled "Bank accounts are a scam created by the shadow government." An Egg Boi smiled "See!?!" Pentious yelled "okay point taken" I sighed, "what's important now is that we're gonna have a fight on our hands. Look this hotels about to become the most dangerous place in hell. And we- I can't guarantee your safety anymore. I still believe in Charlie's dream, I know this place can work... but none of you signed up for this. I'm going to go learn how we can fight back but when I come home... Well I'll understand if none of you are here." Vaggie said as she left.

"Well. This is awkward." Pentious said to us "Kay!" Nifty grinned. After a few seconds of silence I clenched my fists. If Vaggie seriously thinks I would just leave just like that she had another thing coming, I then immediately ran into a supply closet. "Heya Toots, whatcha doin'?" Angel asked curiously as I dragged a lot of wooden boards out. "Charlie and Vaggie have done so much for us. I'm helping them." I said as I placed the pile on the floor. "If you want to leave like Vaggie suggested then go ahead." I said as I grabbed some nails and a hammer, then I heard some noise and I saw Angel holding some wooden boards "where do we start?" He asked me, then Husk picked up some boards as well and Pentious followed. I smiled at everyone "let's start down here. Pentious get your Eggs. We'll need as much help as we can get." I said to him. Pentious nodded and ran off to get his Eggs. "Nifty get every saw and nail in sight!" I said to her, she nodded and ran off. "let's get to work" I smiled.

A few hours had gone by and the fortifications were going well! I walked towards Angel holding some wood "thanks Angie" I smiled "for what?" Angel asked "For staying and helping out" I smiled as I placed the wood down and the Egg Bois ran over and grabbed some to start building "Well you were right, Charlie and Vaggie have done so much for us, it's only fair, but how are you holdin' up?" Angel asked as he began to nail a bord over the window. "Oh I'm fine" I smiled as I continued building. "Ya sure? You've been kinda off since we found out the news" he said "Angel, I will be fine, no need to worry about me" i smiled reassuringly. Then I looked up and saw one of the top windows needed boarding up "I'll be back" I smiled as I walked away.

I walked up the stairs and began to bord up the windows. "Come along Egg Bois! Let's put some more effort in! Get the sandbags!" Sir Pentious yelled, I smiled at everyone working together. Then I remembered tomorrow we'd be fighting heaven. And people might die. My friends might die. I might die. "Y/N!" I snapped out of my thoughts immediately "ya good?" Angel asked from downstairs "yep! I'm fine" I smiled as I took a step back to see my work on the window bording. Suddenly I tripped over one of the sandbags one of the Egg Bois had left and fell over the railings! "Fuck!" I yelled as I fell, then someone caught me. I looked to see Husk had caught me and placed me down "Thanks" I smiled, knowing that days ago he probably would've let me fall "it's whatever" he Shrugged as he walked away "sooooo you and Husk aye?" Angel smirked as he walked over "excuse me?" I asked "I saw the way you looked at him" he said "Angel, we are just friends and that's how it's staying, now continue building" I said with a playful eye roll as I walked off.

Time skip

We were still working on some fortifications but we were making very good progress. Then the door opened "Well! Look who decided to show up. Thought we were fightin' by ourselves" Angel smirked as we saw Vaggie and Charlie walk in "you're... you're still here?" Vaggie asked in disbelief "what? Do you think we were a bunch of pusssssssssies?" Sir Pentious asked "well obviously we're still here, you guys gave so much for us. You can't get rid of us that easily" I smirked "I just got used to you guys. I ain't finding no new drinking buddies." Husk smiled "I've named all the stains on the carpet! That one's Fred" Nifty smiled "Well! Looks like we have a lot of work to do" Charlie smiled.


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