part 3

342 3 9

i set megumi down in his chair before i take a seat next to toji, smoothing out the wrinkles in my skirt as i do.

Mr. Fushiguro snaps his fingers and 6 chefs come out with platters of food on each arm, placing them down on the abnormally large table.

i gawk at the delicious looking food as a platter was placed in front of me. i glance over at little megumi and i notice how prim his manners were, despite being only four.

he sat with his arms in his lap, and after all of the food was set he took his napkin and placed it into the collar of his shirt before taking his utensils and picking up what he wanted from the platter that was in front of him.

it seemed so...robotic.

like something a child of his age shouldn't know how to do.

i lean into Mr. Fushiguro,

"who taught him to eat like that?"

i ask with a brow raised as i whisper softly.

toji lets out a frustrated grunt,

"his mother. i normally am not home in time for dinner, and she was the only one here so i'm assuming she taught him."

it made me wonder...was this ex of his really all that bad?

oh how i was mistaken...


it was now after dinner, i was helping megumi clean the aftermath of dinner from his face.

i heard toji's soft chuckle as well as a large pounding in the direction of the front door.

it was almost 8. mail doesn't run out this late so who could be knocking so urgently on the door?

i see Mr. Fushiguro's face drop.

"megumi, go inside the upstairs bedroom and lock the door."

megumis own eyes widen before he nods, hopping off of his chair and running up the stairs.

i sit up,

"who's that, Mr. Fushiguro?"

i ask with a brow raised as i walk closer to him.

"my ex wife..."

my expression says many, many words.

"can't you just kick her off the estate grounds? does this not count as trespassing?"

i ask, my brows furrowing.

"i can't keep her from her son, Ms. Ln. if i do, there's no doubt she'd take this to court."

he lets out yet another exhausted sigh.

"i have to oblige to her requests. for megumis sake."

he lazily waves a hand towards one of the maids, in which she opens the door in response.

a tall, intimidating woman walks in, her hair cut short and her eyes narrowed.

i thought that megumi looked like his father, but seeing his mother for the first time, its obvious who he really takes after.

"ah, my toji, how have you been?"

she says as she tries to wrap her arms around tojis neck.

he steps back with a blank expression,

"why are you back in town?"

he asks flatly.

"can't i just want to see you and my son?"

toji x yn (office au) by NWhere stories live. Discover now