The Cabin

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"Morgan! Where the fuck did you go?" whispered Maxx. The guy who owned the the cabin could be back at anytime. Morgan didn't care, she needed to find the keys to a vehicle and fast. Before the old man came back and killed them too, just like he killed Nidal. Morgan is wondering why the hell she agreed to come on this stupid get away. Now her and her three friends were being hunted, one had already been killed. They needed to make a game plan and fast. How the hell are they going to get help with no cell signal. Come to think of it, Morgan and Maxx didn't see which way Jiji and Owen went. That was the first thing they needed to worry about. They searched and searched for hours but could not find Jiji and Owen. They searched all the old houses but they were nowhere to be seen. Then we heard some noise outside so we went to see what it was. On the way out Maxx grabbed something to use in case they needed to defend themselves. They looked in the back of the house and they heard rumbling in the bushes and Maxx said, "I hear you so you better come out now", but nobody came out. We walked even closer and Morgan was getting really freaked out and said, "We need to find Owen and Jiji and get the fuck out of this place. I just wanna go home". Then Maxx took her by the hand and said "Don't worry when we find Owen & Jiji we will get out of here. The noises kept getting louder and louder then they jumped beside the bushes and as they jumped beside the bushes something jumped at them and they started running. They ran so fast that they didn't even see what was behind the bushes. Then all of a sudden there was a scream. They ran so fast that they didn't even go back to see what that scream was. They ran what felt like hours but it was only 10 minutes. Then they stopped and looked back and said did you hear that scream. Morgan said, "Yes I did and I am not going back, I wanna go home". Maxx reassured her that everything was gonna be ok. Then they heard the scream again but it was like a screaming yell. "HELP! HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" Maxx said, "That sounds like Owen", then Maxx told Morgan "We have to go back." Then Morgan crying says "I just wanna go home. I never wanted to come on this dumb trip". Maxx said "I promise Morgan when we find Owen and Jiji we will go home". They went back to find out where the scream was coming from. They went into the last house on the corner and what they found was more than what they went looking for. They found Owen trapped in a room but he wasn't alone. He was locked in a room with 3 other friends that have been missing for 4 months. Maxx and Morgan whispered "Owen is that you". Owen said, "Yes it is. I am also in here with Ethan, Neshan and Jerz". Maxx said, "How did you get in there?" Owen said,"Somebody put something over my head and brought me here". "Where the fuck is Jiji?" Morgan yelled. Owen said, "I don't know. We both ran off and split up and I got caught by 3 freaky looking people. I haven't seen Jiji". So both Maxx and Morgan tried to open the door but it was boarded up so they found a crowbar and finally opened the door. There stood Owen, Ethan, Neshan & Jerz. Morgan then yelled again and said, "Let's get the fuck out of here". Owen said, "We are not leaving without Jiji." All 6 of them went searching for Jiji. "Being that it was already 3:30 am. It was too dark let's find somewhere to go and look for her in the morning", Maxx said. They found this tower in the middle of a field. They all climbed up the tower and stayed there til morning. All of them had to come up with a plan on how to find Jiji. They looked out the windows of the tower to see which way to go to look for Jiji. So everyone was scared and trying to come up with a plan. They saw some lights on a house a couple miles away so they all decided to look there first. So they all tried to get some sleep but it was hard cause all they were thinking about was getting the fuck out of there alive. They already killed Nidal. So finally the sun started to rise and they all decided to leave and climb down the tower before anyone else dies. As they were climbing down the tower they heard laughing they all stopped and looked down to see if they can see any movements and the opposite way that they had to go. So they decided to rush down the tower and started in the direction they wanted to go then they heard the laughs again but closer so they looked around and 3 people with freaky looks jumped out and they all froze. Then Morgan yells, "Who the hell are you?" The one freak said, "We are your worst nightmares". Then Ethan said, "They sound like the freaks that took us 4 months ago". Then Maxx said, "Who are they?" and Jerz said, "I heard them call each other Jaden, Jayden & Aycid.  They are 2 brothers and a sister and Jaden and Jayden are twins. That's all I heard". Then all 3 freaks circled around them and all of a sudden there was a big bang then we saw fire coming from a house down the way and the 3 freaks ran to see what was on fire. We heard a loud scream and what they heard was relief. They heard "DIE YOU FREAKS!!" Then they ran towards the the scream but there was a trap set and they almost got caught in the trap. So when they finally get to where the fire was, there was Jiji but she was not alone she was with Julian. They all yelled "Jiji where the fuck did you run to?" Jiji said, "I fell in a trap and couldn't get out so they took me to this house and I found this scared kid and I protected him from them. When they left I finally got the chance and found some gas and I poured it everywhere and found some matches and lit this shit on fire they ran in and I poured gas on them when they ran in the house and now those mother fucking freaks are frying". They all started to go the way they intended to go and they were walking for hours and then they saw a road up ahead then they saw headlights up ahead and they all stepped out into the road and the car stopped and the person inside the car stepped out and said, "Why are you running infront of my car?" They all of a sudden Morgan yelled, "LET'S GO HOME!" They all told her what had happened and she said, "You guys took the wrong turn". She said, "Hop in my car and I will take you home". All of them said, "Thank you so much". They all stopped again and said, "Wait we don't even know her name". Jerz said, "What is your name?" All she said was "I'm the sweetest person". She took us to a nice house that she owned where they can get cleaned up and rest. "I will take you home in the morning". In the morning when they were all getting ready to leave and get out of this place they heard a big crash. Ethan and Owen went to go see what the crash was and when they went outside they couldn't see anything. Back inside everyone was still on edge from the last 2 days. All of a sudden there is crash sound again and what they found was a car slammed into a tree and the tree ended up falling on the car but the person inside was the old man who killed Nidal 2 days ago. They all screamed and the old man started to move and everyone started screaming then the old man said, "I will kill you like I killed your friend". Ethan, Owen and Maxx went searching for something to protect themselves from this crazy old man. The man started to get out of the car and Neshan, Morgan and Jerz tried to keep him in but couldn't so Neshan and the girls ran and they all stayed together this time. When Maxx, Ethan and Owen came back to the car everyone was gone even the freaky old man. They start searching everywhere then they saw lights up ahead so they started walking to where the lights were and it was a runned down old cabin. Ethan all of a sudden froze in his tracks. "Ethan why did you stop?" Owen said. "This is the cabin I was brought to 4 months ago. I don't want to go back in there", Ethan said. Owen and Maxx said, "We don't want to leave you out here by yourself". Ethan said, "Please don't make me go in there". Maxx said, "Ok stand on the porch where we can see you. We will go and take a peek really quick". Ethan agreed. Then Owen and Maxx open the door and went inside and what they saw inside was looked like something out of a horror movie. They saw knives, saws, whips, wires, etc. They saw a door thar was locked so they pryed it opened and they saw blood everywhere. This is where the freaky old man must of killed Nidal. So they got the hell out of there and ran the opposite way they came. Meanwhile Neshan & the girls all ran and found a house that was empty and hid inside. They all found a room and hid in. They stayed there until the knew it was safe to come out. An hour had passed and they heard someone say, "Where are you? I'm  gonna get you". Neshan said, "Everyone be quiet. Nobody make a sound and he will go away". It all went quiet again so another hour had passed and they hear a noise. A door opened and they heard footsteps creeping closer to the door. Then Morgan yells, "Get the fuck out of here". Then they heard a familiar voice. "Morgan it's Maxx. Open the door it's us". So they opened the door and they all left the house and they found a truck and they got in the truck and started driving and they heard a big thud. Owen said, "What the he'll was that?" "I don't know", said Maxx. They drove up a little more and saw someone laying on the ground. So the boys all got out while the girls stayed in the truck. It was the old man. The old man was laying on the road. Ethan said, "It looks good on you mother fucker. You killed our friend and now we are gonna kill you. The old man then proceeded to try to get up and they all tackled him to the ground. They all started punching and kicking and trying their hardest to keep him down. Then Neshan & Maxx went to find some kind of weapon. They found sticks and then they started beating him til he stopped moving. Then they all stood over him and watched the blood pour out of his hand. Then they all got back in the truck and drove until they were out of the woods. They drove for 2 hours and they all said, "Good riddance you freaks". They all made it home safe and they all had a memorial the next day for Nidal. "Nidal we are forever gonna miss you. We love you and we will never forget you. Rest In Peace Nidal. Then they all went back to doing what they all did best. Being friends and putting the last 4 days behind them. And we all ate Taco Bell.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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