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The outlets are big and busy, given it's a Saturday. A cool breeze glides through the air, while the sun is shining, casting some warmth and light. From The front of the mall, there are Adults dragging along their children to their 'last stop,' teenagers giggling at everything, and various couples on dates. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I wouldn't ever admit it aloud but a small part of me wanted to go on this mission. As tedious as they are, it was another chance to prove that I'm not a waste of space. If I'm able to carry it out then maybe the elders or even Kiana will give me the time of day for anything. As scary as the prophecy may have been, it inclined me to want to look deeper into it. Yeah, it wasn't for me but I'm close enough to Aria to be able to help.

My heart races from excitement, and I dig in my front pocket for the piece of paper Kiana gave me. I opened up the crumbled piece of paper and read over it to check out the place I had to go to. It was named 'Unowned' and was the only place in the complex without anything on it. The store was all the way in the back, so it was easier to break in without any suspicions. I folded back up the paper and made my way into the complex. I walk forward, checking my left and right for any of the stores that are unowned. It felt like forever that I had been looking left and right for until the amount of people where I was dissipated, and there was a store in front that had nothing on it, with a sign on the door saying 'Unowned.' I made my way to the front of the store and looked back, making sure no one was following me. There was a lock at the door, while eyeing it, I patted my pants and dug for a bobby pin which I found in one of my back pockets. I squatted down to meet the level of the lock and got to work. After a minute or so of digging around, the lock clicked and loosened, allowing me to open the door. I walked inside the store and closed the door behind me.

A strong smell of burnt vanilla entered my nose. When I turned back around my heart sank into my ass. The dark room was lit with candles on the four walls with various candles held in intricate and elaborate holders attached. The wax looks like the candles have been burning for a hot minute. The holders shine a bright silver with the carvings in colored blood red. From what the light allows me to see, the floor under me is made of wood, and there are what looks like carvings dug into the floor. I squatted down to see if it wasn't just an artistic choice, but there were real carvings. The wood dips down, feeling around my heart racing as they felt like vampire carvings. They were long and smooth, they were done with the most precision and care. There were barely any scratches or mistakes. I felt around more and they were most definitely vampire carvings. From the feel and being able to see very little, the carvings were definitely meant to grab the attention of a hunter. I rubbed the tips of my fingers together to feel for any dust, and there wasn't, meaning either this room is cleaned every other day, or this is a fairly new place. I look back at the floor, and on the floor near the walls are dried up wax on the floor, and some dripping on the wall.

I stood back up and made my way into the room more and from what the candles illuminate there are paintings on the walls. They were decorated with silver frames hanging covering every inch of the 4 walls. Curiosity grabs me, no one could be that obsessed with art. I look more closely at the paintings on the back wall. The candles only reveal so much but most of the paintings are able to be made out. Looking through them, they appear to be paintings of... Aria? It started with one, and then there were more, each and everyone showed Aria, and they're all so perfect as if they were photos of her. It couldn't be a coincidence it was identical to her. But they couldn't have been photos because they were all unfinished. Streaks of paint fading into the white of the canvas, as if the painters train of thought left in the middle. None of the paintings are finished.

Some range from portraits from the bust up, or full body drawings, but in those drawings she's wearing what looks to be a wedding dress. It was traditionally white with puffy shoulders, and attached long laced sleeves that stuck to her arms. It folded like roses layered together and flowing through the wind. Obsidian twists glittered with silver cuffs whipped around her through the air following her lackadaisical movement. Some paintings she's sitting or laying down in a meadow of red roses, splayed out. Twists framing her limp body, and mind elsewhere. In all of the pictures you could definitely tell it was Aria but there was something off. Her face. It's more lax and carefree, instead of her usual RBF. A slap happy smile perched on her face in most of them. But her eyes were the target. In some of the paintings they were bright red, like vampires, but in others they were yellow, like a divine, shifting back and forth between the colors. Aria's a hunter, these could probably explain the carvings...

"Oh shit," I whispered. I hear a click from behind me. The door. My heart rate sped up as I tried to look around for any hiding spots. Oddly the 'store,' seemed smaller than how it looked outside. Almost like it was a bedroom. There was nowhere to hide. I feel a sharp chill run down my spine, and see light from the outside world on the floor mimicking the shape of the door. I don't dare to move. Maybe if I don't move, they won't see me, and think I'm a mannequin someone dropped off at the wrong store. There was a deafening silence, the door was still open and the sunlight shined, but the room got colder.

"Who are you," a male voice says. It was deep and commanding, and he seemed to drag out his words. A bead of sweat ran down my temple. If I move then he'll know I'm here, my mannequin covers over! "I know you're here, I can see you." Crap. I raise my hands up in surrender, and slowly turn towards the door, not wanting to make any sudden movements. I fully turn around and see a tall figure at the door. From the light that was available, I could make out his face and he was... beautiful? He was ghostly pale, and wore a black dress shirt and white , which contrasted with his skin, plus white jeans. He had glossy blonde hair down to his shoulders. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were a pale yellow. Downcast, glaring straight at me. His lips had a tint of pink to them and were plump, they were parted slightly, sharp teeth could be seen. He seems to be American by his voice, but I was guessing European by his drop dead looks... "My eyes are up here," he says deadpan. My face runs hot and I look at his eyes once again. He stalks towards me, slow, but covering the distance between us easily from his height. I step back, but he's already so close, we're basically nose to nose. He smelt of freshly spilt blood and roses. He tilts his head down and studies me. "You are not Aria," he states.

"I am not," I gulped. "I can see you really like her a lot," I joked, but got no response from him. His eyes had the same intense stare as before, and his breath is hot against my face. I can clearly see his teeth as his lips pull back into a sneer.

"Where is she," he whispered in my ear. A sick chill went down my spine, from feeling his soft breath on my ear and neck. I feel a cold slender finger run up my arm, causing goosebumps to rise out of my skin, clawing to get out. I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing but a strangled breath came out. I use my other arm to reach for my keys in my pocket. He doesn't seem to notice which is good, I click the main button on the body of the key, a fragment of light flashes, the vampire's eyes moving from me to the key, as it shapeshifts into a sword. I jumped back defensively and stuck out my sword to make distance between us. The vampire sighs in defeat. "I should've known it'd be tougher," he mumbles. In a flash he lunged towards me, claws and teeth bared, and I quickly parried to the left, his nails barely grazing my arm. Damn he's fast, I thought to myself. He lands on his knees, with barely a sound and stands back up straight and starts to circle around me, like I was his dinner. His yellow eyes were glued to me unwavering. I keep defensive, holding out my sword to keep a distance between us. I really want to kill him, he's probably the guy I'm supposed to kill anyway. He starts forwards and.. Vanishes?

I look around, and a whirlwind of black rushes towards me and kicks my chest hard enough I ram into the wall. He materializes back and swings his claws towards me. Eyes wide and crazed, hair flying back making a light halo behind his head. I evade rolling to the side, as he stabs his hand through the wall. He doesn't stall and follows me, each swing I parry, using my sword to move his arms out of the way and then keep his claws away from me. I ran into the wall and angled my sword, trapping one of his arms, but not the other. He forces his weight upon me, and he isn't particularly light. His face is close to mine and his pupils are shrunken with anger and the whites of his eyes are approaching a red bloodshot color. His teeth are bared, sharp and long as he growls in anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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