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"He sees and hears everything, as if he had the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox, like some kind of mythical beast. Fighting tooth and nail, he drove away bandits and ruffians like devils with all the auspicious momentum of the suanni." —Elderly Shop Keeper that Ming has helped

If you happen to hear the sound of drums and gongs as you're walking through the streets of San Franciscos Harbor, let your ears lead the way. With a bit of luck, you might just be fortunate enough to witness a performance of Ming's remarkable Wushou Dance.

When he puts on his mask, he shakes his head and blinks like a waking beast. The vast array of emotions he conjures up, the unpredictable twists and turns... Following his every move with rapture, the audience can't help but cheer and applaud.

Ming: "Thank you for your support, everyone! And remember, if someone you know's thinking of booking a Wushou Dance, don't forget to recommend the 'Mighty Mythical Beasts'!"

It's just a shame that, more often than not, he receives nothing but applause in return. But Ming doesn't let this get to him — he laughs it off, saying that the audience's attention is all the recognition he needs.

Once the crowd has dispersed and his mask is off, Gaming swiftly returns to being a "guard" and thinking of work matters once more: How many cargo shipments still need delivering? Which clients does he need to escort? And so on...

Usually, when there's nothing urgent on, he heads to Xinyue Kiosk to while away the time with some dim sum — a pot of tea, a selection of bite-sized nibbles, and plays video games with his online friend Silver Wolf.

As a guard, the task of escorting goods from Yilong Wharf to San Francisco Harbor couldn't be easier for Gaming. But as the head of the "Mighty Mythical Beasts," his dream of making the Wushou Dance a regular occurrence in San Francisco Harbor still has a long, long road ahead of it...

So in the meantime, why not sit and enjoy another cup of tea?

Or at least this was his plan, but his mother had other plans. One day she saw a advertisement for a reality game show, so she signed her son up for it. She conveniently forgot about it until she saw the add with him after a nice pot of tea.

Tv: Do you want to be famous? do you want to be rich? then sign up for this reality show!

Mom: Hey, Ming.

Ming: yes mother?

Mom: I signed you up for that.

Ming: wait... why?

Mom: This could be your chance to get new friends—

Ming: I do have friends, Silver Wolf is my best friend! Then there IceCream and BookNerd, also Tunes and Dancer!

Mom: that aren't online.

Ming: oh...

Mom: Also you can show off your skills!

Ming: Alright...

Mom: and hopefully when you get back you bring someone you can get your poor old mother some grand babies with~

Ming: MOM I AM 16!

Mom: And I am 32...


I was waiting on a doc for a boat to come pick me up to take me to this island show thing, I had a larg backpack and a large suitcase with all my essentials, including enough tea to last for more then 5 years. My mask for the Wushou Dance, and my weights and equipment to stay in shape.

A sudden loud sound met my ears and I looked up to see a spear boat parked.

Man: your Ming Yip correct? This is your ride.

Ming: *sigh* this is gonna be terrible....

I lifted my foot to get on the boat but a sudden feeling of fear  spread across me, this wasn't the right boat...

Ming: who are you...

The man sighed

Man: why can't they ever be idiots...

The man brought out a pistol but before he could do anything his speed boat was crushed by another speed boat. The man in this one was a tall beefy man.

Chef: Uh... Ming?

Ming: I supose you are my ride.

This time when I got on the boat there was no sense of malice.

Ming: So... how's life?

The man looked suprised that I asked him anything.

Chef: uh... pretty good.......

Ming: nice man. I feel like this is either gonna be the most fun I've had in a while or it's gonna suck.

All the man did was nod

Ming: what's your name anyways dude?

Chef: my names Chef.

Ming: OK Chef... your pretty cool ya know.

Chef: (silent very manly tears)

Chapter end brought to you by Ming and Chef talking for an hour or so about random things that ming thinks of.

How'd ya like it?

Word count 801

Total Drama Island: Gaming Duo Where stories live. Discover now