Chapter 1 - The beginning

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In the mysterious forest where no man kind has been, there lived a mythical family. The mother was a unicorn and the father was a Pegasus; they almost looked very human. Then the mother gave birth to an alicorn which also almost looked very human but with very small wings! Her mother was purple with a bit of pink, her father had blue wings with white specks. When the mother saw her she saw a mixture of their color combined and it looked like a galaxy. Her horn and ears were both purple; her tail and wings were like a galaxy! Her eyes were brown but with a hint of gray and her hair was a purple pink color and it went past her shoulders.

Her mother then stitched some clothes from the materials she gathered from the humans, when she was done with the top part of the dress had, string to go around the neck thankfully there was a cute shirt attached to it, the top part of the dress could barely could stay on her shoulders that was a light purple color, it also had long sleeves that were the same color and the bottom part of the dress had two layers, the top layer was a long fabric that touched the floor, the top layer did not go all the way around the second layer, it had a dark purple color with rubies on string, the second layer was an all white skirt with a bow on it that held both first and second layer. She did not make socks or shoes because she thought that the forest floor would feel comfortable.

One day some intruders invaded their land and the parents went to go find the intruders but their baby was left behind because they wanted to protect her. In a few minutes there were strange sounds coming from the distance and that meant there was a big fight going on. After the fight ended the intruders explored a little more of the mysterious forest and that is when they found a young baby all by herself with no one protecting her. They decided to take her to the city and when they arrived the intruders took her in and named her Blanca.

One week after living with the human parents they already put a tracking bracelet on her ankle with her name engraved. And they even clipped her wings a little so she couldn't fly away, or try to escape if she went outside. Another week went by, she still couldn't understand what they were saying, but she knew only one word: "kill" because she has heard it way too many times.

The human parents had dark secrets; until one day they talked about killing her, right as blanca was behind the door trying to listen.

That very night she ran away while they were sleeping. She did not know where to go but she did not want to stay there. After a few hours of walking/Crawling, knees all banged up and dirty she found herself at a hospital. They had a daycare and there were people helping each other, so she decided to stay at the hospital. In the end she became the hospital's new helper and supported people in need.

On the first day after a great rest she went to clean herself up and went looking for something else to wear in donations, she changed her outfit with the clothes she picked out. There she found a long sleeve shirt that fit her nicely, it had the color of orange all over it, then she picked out some jean overalls that looked like a dress.

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The Beginning


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The Beginning

The caretaker John approached her and when she looked behind she saw brunette hair that was short, looking a little lower from the hair there were green eyes looking down at her; he looked young with light skin tone, the clothing she saw on him was one of the hospital uniforms that was a light blue, she didn't pay attention to his shoes. He began trying to talk to Blanca about her whereabouts of where she came from and

who her family was. She just gave him a confused look and then she tried to talk to him but It came out different than he expected. So he took her into a classroom to try and understand what she was trying to say.

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