Chapter 3 - The Dragon

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    Meanwhile after john said his goodbyes to Blanca and jullia, he headed back to the daycare he saw a different person dressed in all black standing at the desk waiting. He then asked them if they wanted to adopt a child, they said no. They did ask "Have you seen a small child that looks like an alicorn around?" He said " I have not but I would look elsewhere."! They thanked him and left the building. After a while he did remember Blanca was some sort of an alicorn or something like that, then he thought she just loves to dress up. He didn't want Blanca to worry so he went to take care of the other children! As he was checking on the children; josh had a seizure and he had to call for a doctor.

Luckily a doctor angel was already there for their children's check ups. He dropped his clipboard on the floor and got down on his knees and held him in his lap. When the child was okay he made sure they were fine, so he picked him up and took him out of the daycare. John was shocked but was okay with it, he then started to focus more on others. He made sure they were all fed and that they were not injured at all; then he let Emily take care of them next. After they were done he said "Who is ready to go outside to play on the playground?", after he said that the doctor came back with josh in arms!

He thanked him and then took them, the doctor then asked "I have a blanca on my list do you have her right now?". He said "I sent blanca off with jullia and they should be back soon", he nodded. Then asked for someone else, after he got them and went on their way. Before he led the kids outside he said "can you stay inside just incase jullia and blanca come back"! Then John went outside with them, while he was inside Emily started to clean up a little. After she was almost done cleaning, Emily sensed blanca coming from the left elevator, she then got prepared to greet them by waiting at the desk. A little thing about Emily is that she is a dragon who is disguised as a human, but they didn't wanna get caught. And she figured out that blanca was an alicorn, because she didn't use a cover spell while she stayed there the entire time. As she saw them at the entrance of the daycare she said "Welcome back to the daycare". When she saw blanca she said "they are outside", then jullia said "Please take great care of her" and walked away.

After jullia walked away Emily then walked towards the door just to make sure she made it safely to him, and she was correct. From John's perspective as he was outside he made sure they did not get hurt. Then he noticed Blanca running in his direction, and said "Oh hi there!", and gave her a hug. She then told him everything that happened, he was shocked but glad she was okay.

After a while on the playground, he said "Let's head inside" when he said that a doctor came outside with a child.

Then walked towards John, and said "I don't know how to say this but, they have cancer!". And said they could not do anything to help because they were too young! He gave the doctor a nod, when the doctor asked again if Blanca was ready. John said " She is here and I think she is more than ready". When the angel saw her he immediately freaked out because of her wings and ears. He then said "John can I have a word with you?" John was confused then he complied.

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The Dragon

After a little chat the doctor came back outside then asked "Blanca are you ready to get a check up?", she said yes and went with him.

As she was brought inside and was carried out of the daycare, and heading towards the double doors. Blanca got nervous and made herself a teddy bear, the doctor didn't notice her using powers.

When both doors were flung open she was put down on a scale against the wall, Blanca put the bear down on the floor. And then the doctor wrote down her weight and said "can you please move to you right?" and she did as the doctor said. When the doctor said "Ok we are almost done here", she gave him a nod. Blanca then picked up her bear because they were headed to room 103, while it was empty he put her on the bed. And then took out a needle and it looked sharp and it made her fall off the bed making her hit her head.

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