Two: The bimbo, the new bestie and the young scientist

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Chapter two came early. You're welcome:)
Ps: this story is getting a lot of support and I really really appreciate y'all for giving it a try.

Two things made Hayley want to reconsider coming to Vine Food Research Lab for internship.

For starters, she couldn't open the door at first try. She had spent good minutes trying to push it only for it to be flung open by an angry receptionist who explained that it was a pull door, not a push one. Needless to say, she had sustained a small injury on her forehead from the impact of the door being flung at her face.

Secondly, the place was so quiet - save for the receptionist's flip-flops. Unlike other scientists who probably preferred to work in silence, she hated it. Silence made room for thoughts and Hayley had a love-hate relationship with her brain. Half - if not most - of the time, it was filled with sad thoughts that she didn't want to dwell on. Hence, any distraction was highly welcome.

But she couldn't quit either. For two reasons.

Being at Vine was a once in a lifetime opportunity that most university students yearned for. She could hardly believe it herself when she was accepted - after all, she wasn't from a popular university and neither did she have much influence in society. Why they chose her, she couldn't place a finger on it.

Plus, being there was more tolerable than spending another day with Mitchell. A twenty-five year old that did nothing but sit around watching romcoms and watching her every move like a hawk wasn't someone pleasant to look forward to. She didn't hate Mitchell, of course not. But that woman desperately needed a life.

So, when blonde bimbo receptionist turned to her and asked for the reason why she was there, at Vine Food Research Lab, Hayley cleared her throat and ignored the swelling on her forehead that hurt like a bitch.
"I'm Hayley Cooper. It's my first day of internship here."

"You?" the receptionist replied with a soft chuckle, her eyebrows raised. "Only the smart ones are accepted here and you? You are a mess! You can't even open a door! You aren't wearing the correct lab attire! Didn't you know about the 'no open shoes policy' in the lab? Aren't you supposed to tie your hair back? Which institution are you from?"

A couple of inappropriate words were at the tip of Hayley's tongue, waiting to be thrown at the bimbo if she didn't stop looking at Hayley like a piece of crap.
"I'm from Mackay University of Science and Technology, ma'am."

Mackay wasn't a popular university, so, Hayley  didn't expect the receptionist to recognize it. And she was right.
"Whatever," she waved Hayley off. "What is your name again?"

"Hayley Cooper." Bitch

"And who is your supervisor?"

"Theo Manson." The acceptance letter from Vine had come with rules and regulations of working at the lab and who the supervisor was going to be. Hayley hoped that Theo Manson, whoever he was, wouldn't turn out to be an ass...or like Mitchell and control her life like a character in a video game.

Bimbo checked through a couple of files, after which she returned her gaze to meet Hayley's.
"Do you have all the lab attire? Closed shoes? Lab coat? Hair nets?"

"I do." Hayley nodded

"Great. The ladies' washroom is at the end of the hallway on your right. Hurry up and change because your supervisor will be here in a few minutes."

When Hayley retuned from the washroom, a guy close to her age - or maybe a year older - in lab attire sat on the sofa opposite the receptionist's counter. He looked up from his phone when he felt someone coming and extended further to create more space for Hayley.

Another intern? My supervisor?

"Hi, I'm William," the guy interrupted her wandering thoughts as he extended his hand for a handshake. That was when Hayley noticed the shining Rolex on his arm, probably expensive enough to buy everything she owned. "Uh," William said after a moment of silence, "I think this is the part when you tell me your name."

"Uh- oh yeah. I'm Hayley," she shook his hand back, her eyes focusing on the watch.

It's so expensive. Is he a trust fund baby? No, Hayley. You don't judge people at first sight. Maybe it was a gift.

"Are you an intern too?" William asked again as he reached for his backpack and started throwing things inside it. The phone went first, then earphones, a USB cable and keys.

Hayley had never touched a car in her life but she was sure those were car keys.

"Yeah," she nodded, avoiding his gaze. "Are those car keys?"

"Oh, yeah!" he beamed. "My brother gave it to me when he bought another one. Do you also have a car?"

"No. But my elder sister does."

"Let me guess," William laughed. "She never lets you touch it?"

"Not ever," Hayley scoffed. "Until I learn how to drive, she will never let me."

"Older siblings suck, huh?"

"I know right," Hayley couldn't believe she almost hated the guy at first sight. Thank heavens I wasn't rude! "All they ever do is control your life and dictate what you do with your time."

"Right! My brother convinced my parents to enrol me for this stupid science course. Just because he loves science doesn't mean that I should do it too."

"What? What era is this? You should be able to choose what you want to do with your life," Hayley scoffed. "My sister is like that too! She enrolled me to a university nobody cares about! Like, I know she can afford to take me somewhere better but she had to choose Mackay."

And the banter went on. After a long time, Hayley was glad to find someone she could relate with. Sometimes, the stress from home got to her throat and almost made her throw up but William was a good listener. And he understood.

However, they were cut short by the front door opening. Bimbo receptionist fixed her chiffon top and licked her lips, her smile directed at the person who'd just entered.
He wore a grey suit that hugged him like a glove, held a briefcase in one hand and typing away on his phone with the other.

"Good morning, Mr Manson," Bimbo pursed her lips. "How was your early meeting?"

Oh, this is my supervisor? But he is young! And good looking! And not an old scientist that can't hold his bowel movements!

The man in question didn't acknowledge the greeting. "Is my intern already here?"

Bimbo's cheeks flamed. "Yes, sir. Right there."

Mr. Manson followed bimbo's gaze and looked over to where Hayley and William sat. With a gesture of his well-defined sharp cheekbones, his voice came out loud and thunderous. "Follow me."

Hayley picked her backpack up and ran, following Mr. Manson's long strides into one of the hallways.
What she didn't notice though were two pairs of eyes that were shooting daggers in their direction.

Chapter three will be live on Friday, 9th February 2024. Also, I made it to 2k words, yay!
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If you love romance with a kilo of humor and another of devils and hell, please check out iichicoii entry - Lucifer's Bargain. It's basically the funniest but well written story I've ever read.
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