Thirteen: The bruises, the sister talk and the distraction

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"Does it hurt?" Hannah asked as she applied some iodine on Hayley's wound.

Hayley shook her head. "Just a little sting, that's all. What's with your back? I kept noticing you wincing."

Maybe Hayley might have imagined it but she felt Hannah tense for a moment. A second or two.
"I think I slept funny," she waved it off. "I can't think of any other reason why my back would hurt. Not like someone stabbed or hit me in the back or something-"

"It's alright," Hayley cut her rant off. "But if the pain persists, my sister has some pain relief balms you can use."

"Thanks," Hannah smiled and stood up to get some plasters from the first aid kit. As she stretched her arm to reach them, her blouse slightly went up and Hayley's eyes widened.

Hannah's lower back had bruises. Multiple bruises that the area was a deep shade of red.

"Oh my God, Han! Did you fall on your back? Your lower back has a lot of bruises," Hayley blurted out.

But as soon as she did, Hannah stilled and dropped the first aid box, her eyes widening and her mouth closing and opening like a fish.
When she finally could come up with a sentence, she raised her index finger slowly and pointed it at Hayley. "You can't tell anyone!"

"W-what? Why?" Hayley was confused. "You are in pain and I just want to help. Why shouldn't I tell anyone?"

"He- it's...I.. if you tell the guys, they'll make a big deal out of it. I swear I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore," she tried to smile it off.

Even at twenty, Hayley wasn't stupid. Hannah was a lot of things but she didn't stutter. She always had a lot to say but she didn't stutter. Her reaction was all confusing and Hayley couldn't help but keep questioning it.

"Anyways," Hannah's squeaky voice interrupted her thoughts. "Someone is joining us for supper."


"Theo. William's brother."

Bewildered, Hayley couldn't help but ask.
"Why is he joining us? He is my supervisor. It's going to be very awkward!"

"If it turns out so, blame it on me. I just wanted to catch up with him and asked William to call him. That's all."

"Just you inviting him here knowing that there's a professional relationship between us, you owe me a favor. Deal?"

They shook hands on it. "Deal."

Hayley did join her sister in the kitchen thereafter. She had half a mind to disclose what had happened with Hannah in the bathroom but then again, Hannah had freaked out at the idea of someone else knowing about the bruises. Instead of talking about that, Hayley asked more questions about their mother.

"You were a miracle child," Mitchell explained. "When she had me, she nearly lost her life and the doctors advised her to refrain from getting pregnant again. In fact, the doctors themselves said she couldn't get pregnant again, at all. Yet four years later, you came. We were all so happy y'know. I couldn't wait to have a little sister."

Hayley could sense a but.

"But," she suspicions were proven right, "the doctors advised mum to terminate the pregnancy. Else, she wouldn't be able to birth it. Long story short, she kept it and here we are."

"I wish I could have met her," Hayley responded with a crestfallen expression. "I don't even know much about her. Or dad."

"You look exactly like mum and I look like dad," Mitchell laughed. "I think that's why people don't normally believe that we are related. Mum was very emotional, just like you. And dad, boy was he so protective!"

Hayley smiled. "I see where you get it from, now."

"Hey. It's all love."

"I know. Wait, was dad a sucker from romcoms too?"

"Oh, no! For movie tastes, we switched. Mum would cry and get emotional if there wasn't a happy ending. Dad on the other hand was like you; he'd watch horror and action movies and spend half of the time screaming at the characters for making dumb decisions like walking in a dark alley at night."

"I missed a chance at sharing that, huh?"

"Hey," Mitchell reached out and touched her arm. "I'm really sorry you missed out on that. But you know what, I'm gonna be there for you when you're screaming at the TV and you're gonna be snorting all through as I cry at romcoms. We still have each other - shit, the soup is burning!"

Soon, supper was ready. Chicken stew exactly how Hayley liked it, plantain, pilau rice and a lot of vegetables. Hayley let out a breath in relief when she stepped in the living room and Theo hadn't arrived.

Or maybe, she had spoken too soon because right that moment, the door bell rang. Claire, the host, stood up to get the door. Hannah sat up in anticipation, William scrolled through his phone without a care in the world, Austin was cuddling his cat and Hayley just wanted to run and hide.

"Hello," Claire greeted as she ushered the guest in. Hayley took her time to look at him. He wasn't dressed in his formal lab attire but had a knitted sweater on and a pair of jeans. "I'm Claire Hall. Welcome to my humble abode."

"Theo Manson," he extended his hand for a handshake. "I hope I'm not intruding."

"Not at all," Claire shook her head. " A friend of Hannah is a friend of ours. Welcome!"

"Thank you. Here," he handed her two shopping bags.

"You didn't have to!"

"Think of it as a reward for tolerating my little brother for this long - Hayley?" his brows furrowed as soon as he noticed her

"Hayley and her sister are our neighbors and friends. Please make yourself at home."

Hayley could feel the tension there. The awkwardness she feared. Why had anyone thought that it would be a good idea? What if she embarrassed herself in front of him? She had managed to make him believe that she was a good intern. What if she did someone that made him realize that she is just as stupid as the other interns - like pouring food all over him accidentally?

He averted his gaze from her and took turns greeting everyone. Hannah was the lucky one to get another bone rushing hug.
And as Hayley watched them hug, with Hannah's smile extending from one ear to another, not as forced as the one in the bathroom, she decided that she'd keep herself in check and let Hannah have her night.

A distraction from the bruised back.

Double update:)

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