Fifteen: The prank, the proposal and the brand new information

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Hayley really wanted to be grumpy the following day.

But the thought quickly flew out of the window as soon as she entered William's car and saw a small container sitting on the car's dashboard.
"Why is there wood glue on your car's dashboard?" she asked

"It's for a prank."

"A prank? Are you out of your mind? Who are you going to prank with glue early this morning?" No wonder, it was way out of character for William to pick Hayley up before 7am.

"Isn't it obvious? It's for the bitchy receptionist."

"For the love of God William, why would you do that?"

"For one, she flings doors in your face and you didn't think it'd be important to tell me. Or my brother before she creates a hole in your forehead. Plus, she's just a bitch and she wants to get in Theo's pants. It's gross."

No amount of convincing could stop William from doing the prank anyway. He had carefully thought about it, arriving earlier than the receptionist. Hayley watched as he smeared glue all over her seat and the floor where he feet were likely going to step when she sat. Somehow, it was satisfying to get some payback. And she was sure that she fell in love with William for two solid minutes upon seeing how dedicated at getting her revenge.

But again, she didn't want to lose her internship. That bitch was clearly capable of a lot of things including getting them both disqualified. William was rich and could get a spot elsewhere. Hayley on the other hand was holding onto that spot as a drowning man on a lifeguard.

After the plan was perfectly executed, Hayley made herself busy in the lab. William may not have made comments about incident at the previous night's supper but Theo would. And what better way to divert his attention than to do everything at the lab perfectly?

When she took out a couple of petri dishes she had incubated the previous morning out of the incubator, her eyes widened in disbelief. There was no growth at all. She had done everything right. She remembered doing everything right from scratch. What could have gone wrong? If Theo was disappointed about the previous night, this one was going to be even more disappointing.

She was still examining the petri dishes, her heart pumping at the speed of an athlete when Theo entered the lab.

"- oh Hayley. Good morning. You are early...and looking at petri dishes like you have microscopic eyes. Is everything alright?"


"Let me guess, you didn't get any growth?"

Hayley nodded.

"Did you do everything right?"

She nodded again.

"Maybe the incubator malfunctioned. I believe you when you say that you did everything right because you have never lied to me, right?"

"I've never!"

"Good. Then, redo the experiment. Make duplicates so that if one pair doesn't have growth, you'll have growth on the other. Makes sense?"

"Yes, thanks." Phew, he is not mad

"Good good. Now, there's something - no actually two things I want to discuss with you at lunch. Don't go to the cafeteria, wait for me. Alright?"

He's definitely mad.


Hayley and William stood near the end of the corridor staring at the receptionist as she struggled to leave the chair, trying so hard not to laugh. One more try and that skirt would be no more.

"What are you little guys looking at- oh. I should have known you were up to something William," Theo shook his head at them as the two of them tried to recollect themselves. "As much as you two are having fun with this, this is a professional space and anything unprofessional can get you kicked out."

"She should be kicked out first. She's the one acting unprofessional," William scoffed at his brother

"All I'm saying is you two should be careful. Now, are we going for lunch or what?"

They followed him like Israelites behind Moses as he led them out of Egypt to his car, a black Camaro. Hayley was surprised that he was treating them to lunch outside the cafeteria. If anything, she had half expected him to sit her opposite him in the cafeteria and shout at her as everyone watched.

Instead, he drove them for a few minutes to a small diner and got them a booth far away from human interruption except for the waiter (or waitress)

"My first reason why I brought you here is kinda very professional and I want you two to take me seriously," Theo started. "I am going to start my research for my doctorate degree and I want you two to be my research assistants."

Hayley's smile widened. "Really?"

"Yes. This means that as long as you two take part in this research and have your names on my dissertation, you will be far ahead of most of your classmates and if the project is successful, you'll have enough credits to graduate."

"Now, these are the things I understand," William grinned

"As much as you're my brother, I don't trust you enough to help me with experiments," Theo glanced at William who in turn glared at him. "You will help with the paperwork while Hayley and I will be busy with the experiments. Sounds good?"

"As long as I get to graduate early," William shrugged

Hayley on the other hand was practically giggling.
"I'm so excited."

"Now that's closed. The other reason is that I have a lot of questions to ask you," he pointed at Hayley, "about Hannah. But the most important question of all is that is she okay?"

Hayley first froze. Theo couldn't have noticed Hannah's wincing the previous night, right?
"What do you mean?" she tried to act dumb

"I am not trying to say that she's not okay but you have to understand that I've known her way before this and look, last night, she didn't sound okay to me."

"I still don't get it," Hayley shrugged

Theo let out a sigh.
"There is one thing about Hannah that most of you don't know. She makes jokes and laughs at everything that's not funny when she's hiding something. Especially when she's hurting and doesn't want anyone to notice."

Ps: the early graduation thing may not be how shit works but this is fiction so, fuck reality. yeah?

Four chapters in one day? I'm super woman haha. Character sixteen will be live on Tuesday 12th March 2023. Stay safe and hydrate.

Lov lov.

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