In the Nurse's Office

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"I don't feel very good," he told her.

"Well, you're not running a temperature," the nurse replied. "I have to send you back to class. I can give you crackers, apple juice-"

"No, Mrs. H. I have to stay here. Miss Driscoll said that I had to leave her class so I came here."

Her stare softened. "Why did Miss Driscoll pull you out of class, Hunter?" The two of them were on a first-name basis based on his frequent visits to the nurse's office.

"She said that I couldn't do my math homework. But we were reading Charlotte's Web and I hate Charlotte's Web because they want to kill Wilbur so I told everyone that Wilbur is in their bacon and everyone started screaming so Miss Driscoll told me that either I needed to leave or she would call Mrs. Principal again. So I left and I came here because I didn't want to go back."

"Buddy, this isn't a vacation. You're going to have to go back to class at some point," the nurse told him.

"No I don't. I could just walk out of school. I could walk home."

A long pause silenced the room as was broken only by the cough of a sick student. "I suppose you can stay here a few more minutes. But only until the bell rings, okay? Then you have to go to class."

Hunter took a packet of crackers from her desk. "Thanks, Mrs. H. You're great."

"Do I have to tell your sister about this?" She asked.

"Oh, Skye? Nah. It'll only upset her," he murmured.

"Well, okay, if you say so. If you'll excuse me, I've gotta take care of a sick kid now. Read a magazine or something."

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