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So, I just wanted to write a general Authors note for everyone. this note is for those out there that can't seem to grasp the concept of FICTION. I know that as an Author of fictional writing along with fanfiction and often read fiction and fanfiction that sometimes I like to read the comments of the other people that have read the stories. I also read the comments left on the stories that I write. I just want to say that some of the comments are uncalled for. That there is a group of people out there that are fucking immature fucking idiots. these fuckers and they know who they are like to leave hate comments. these fucking immature idiots just need to fucking grow up and LEARN that there is a FUCKING difference between FUCKING REALATY and FUCKING FICTION. Its call fiction for a fucking reason. that reason is that the characters and things in the story are not real. the people in the story are made up whether by the people that wrote the story or by the authors that add OCs into the fanfic that they are writing. If you can't get over your fucking hatred of what you are reading, then fucking leave the story behind move on to something that you enjoy reading and leave the author fucking alone and not leave some sort of fucking hate comment about how you fucking hate what you're reading. there are some really sensitive writers on here and they don't need their writing being tainted by hate simply cause of some immature fucking idoit that can't be mature enough to keep their stupid comment to themselves and move the fuck on. Learn to fucking tell the difference and get a fucking reality check. Cause if your life is so fucking boring that you have to read something you hate and then leave a fucking hate comment because you want to laugh than you are so fucking immature. Fanfiction is often written with wanting a different ending or shipping different people together. A lot of people are going to think that I'm immature for writing this, but I don't give a fuck if you think I am or not. I just hate people that think they can play judge and judge people on a fictional story that was written for fun and entertainment. You have no right to judge anyone. Just cause you need to judge and write hate comments make you the immature fucking idiot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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