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The night draped the city in a canvas painted with thousand stars and the distant glow of the city lights

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The night draped the city in a canvas painted with thousand stars and the distant glow of the city lights. On the rooftop terrace, I found solace in the company of the moon, hanging majestically and casting a gentle glow upon the world below.

Dressed in Jungkook's hoodie, I sought warmth against the cooler night breeze that whispered through the silent neighborhood. The fabric carried a comforting scent, a blend of his cologne and the essence of familiarity.

I marveled at the moon, contemplating the countless tales it could tell - of lovers' whispers, ancient myths, and the eons of time it had witnessed. I sipped on a glass of water and it quenched the unnoticed thirst that had settled in throughout the day. I needed to drink more.

It was peaceful and quiet, a solitary moment I sought out often. I didn't hate company, but it was always good for the soul to spend time alone. The past eight nights had been the same, however, and I was beginning to feel judged by the moon's watchful gaze.

Over the past few days, an inexplicable slowness seemed to have taken hold of time. As I busied myself with various activities, such as rediscovering the worlds hidden in forgotten books and witnessing the growth of Heba's belly as her baby developed, the clock ticked at an unusually sluggish pace. Sorting through my father's untidy papers, I realized that his tendency toward disorganization had not wavered, despite his workplace.

Amidst the distractions, one constant remained - a presence that persistently occupied my thoughts and filled my notifications. The importance of this person had altered the cadence of my days, creating a definite rhythm that, for reasons unclear, slowed time.

Every insignificant thing bore traces of him, a maddening reminder that felt both inescapable and consuming. It resembled the relentless pull of an addiction, one you yearned to distance yourself from but found infiltrating every minute of your day.

I took another sip just as the faint click of the terrace door opening and closing filled the silent night. Fighting back the smile that threatened to appear, I kept my eyes forward. There was no need to face the person; the rhythm of their walk, steady and strong, was enough for me to recognize them.

The steps came closer, slow and deliberate, and without turning back, I decided to speak up. "My prime time of having the bed for myself is over, I guess."

The low chuckle that followed reached my ears just before he reached me. Leaning against the railing, I sensed the warmth of his body against the cool breeze of the night.

His familiar and intoxicating scent enveloped me, prompting me to look up at him. Despite the dark shadows underneath his eyes, he was still smiling. In the moonlight, his face looked beautiful, with strong features softened by a gentle gaze.

"As if I was not giving you more than half of the mattress because you sleep like a gymnast doing acrobatics."

I tipped my chin and let out a soft laugh. The banter never seemed to stop but he was right, my sleeping habits were a bit chaotic at times. Jungkook looked down at me, mirroring my posture with his forearm against the railing.

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