Hashira Duel

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"Ehh!! Tomioka-san, Shinazugawa-san is this necessary? ... I mean you Tomioka-san just recovered ... " Mitsuri said worriedly. "Don't worry about me Kanroji," Giyuu said giving a smile. 
They both got ready in their stances and stood at their ends while holding their wooden swords because fighting against each other was against the rules so they had to count this as rehabilitation training for Giyuu and were hence using those swords.

"Alright, can we get on with the fight already Tomioka or are you scared?" Sanemi asked. "Do you really think that Shinazugawa? Well, let's do it now then, come at me at full power so we can see who really is the weaker one," Giyuu said.
The fight began with Giyuu having the upper hand. All those years of training before the final battle and the training he did to help his friends this time paid off. In a flash, Sanemi ran towards Giyuu. Giyuu read the technique, he had seen him use it so many times against him even during the hashira training, he had understood a lot about it by now and knew how to counter it. "His first form...  Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust," Giyuu countered it and they both were pushed back. "Not bad," Sanemi said while looking at him and smirking. "First Form: Water Surface Slash, don't waste time spacing out Shinazugawa," Giyuu said smirking now. Luckily Sanemi could defend himself with his Third Form: Clear Storm Wind Tree but two veins on Sanemi's forehead popped up. Was this guy really mocking him right now?

"Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash," Saying that Sanemi leaped into the air and swung his blade generating circular torrents of wind trying to cut Giyuu is multiple places. He could barely dodge because of the sudden attack and speed. It seemed like Sanemi was finally using his full strength so Giyuu had to get serious too. 
"Water Breathing .. Tenth Form: Constant Flux," The swords clashed against each other again and again each time the speed and strength of the two increasing until the swords gave away and broke. The match ended with Giyuu being the winner. 

"Tch ... you put up a good fight Tomioka," Sanemi said looking away from him. Giyuu smiled he was glad to receive a compliment from the oh-so-mighty wind hashira. He was also glad that they were getting along a bit better now and maybe things could be like how it was in the future for them. Sanemi being nicer to him and Tanjiro and them being great friends. "Thank you Shinazugawa.. I hope we can do this again another time?" He asked Sanemi. "Hell yeah! but next time I'm just making you eat the dirt Tomioka, you better remember that" Sanemi said looking at him again with the same determination he had yesterday. 

"It's good to see you both getting along.. and to see you back in full strength Giyuu," Kagaya said coming out of nowhere."Oyakata-sama!?" The two hashiras called out in alarm and instantly got down on one knee paying their respect. "Ah please stand my dear children i was just here to see you both fight after hearing about it from the hashiras and i must say you both have improved drastically and I'm glad to see that," Kagaya said impressed. The two still on the ground looked at each other giving a slight smile. "However ... Giyuu my child may I talk to you?"Kagaya said adding a bit of seriousness to the tone. 

Sanemi already knew what they were going to talk about. Kanae.. Giyuu was right about the attack and now Oyakata-sama had also got his proof. "Of course Oyakata-sama.." Giyuu said getting up followed by Sanemi. They parted ways and now Giyuu was in the headquarters in the meeting room with Kagaya.
"The battle ... no my child if what you said was the truth please let on about the future events," Kagaya asked seriously. So did Giyuu, but he didn't mention the event of demon king Tanjiro. He mentioned Tanjiro being the key to defeating Muzan in the battle and about Nezuko and how she would help us deal with a lot of upper moons. "We are going to lose the flame hashira.... I'll send back up then... but death in the final battle is pretty inevitable ... we shall try our best we have two more hashiras now so we could win with just major injuries and nobody dying. Also Giyuu.. let's keep this from the Hashiras for now telling them could result in a lot of changes whether it be good or bad it's better to keep our lips sealed," Kagaya said and Giyuu just nodded.

It probably wasn't the best time to tell him that Sanemi already knew about their secret and that lots of things already changed .. like Mokomo being alive when Giyuu never even saw or met her.

Giyuu finally left the headquarters and made his way home because the sun was setting when on the way he bumped into someone "Kocho?" Giyuu said surprised. "Tomioka-san you really have a thing for bumping into people, especially me," Shinobu said laughing. "Gomen it won't happen again," He apologized and was going to turn to go away from he felt a tug on his sleeve. "Well since we met why not talk for some time?" She asked looking at him. "It's getting late though you should head-" He saw Shinobu's face before completing the sentence. She seemed to be a bit annoyed. "I can take care of myself no problem but if you don't want to hang out then just say so," Shinobu said crossing her arms. Giyuu sighed. "Let's go to my place then I'm sure Sabito and Mokomo would like your company," He said and then they both made their way towards his hashira mansion.

"Yuuu!!!" Sabito said running towards his best friend and then hitting him. "Your late and because of you Mokomo didn't let me eat anything telling me to wait for you so apologize now," Sabito said glaring at him. Giyuu just stared at him. "Ara~ he just healed Sabito-san you shouldn't hit him like that," Shinobu said coming inside and greeting them. "Butterfly Girl-" "Ekkkk!! Shinobu-chan you finally came to see us I'm so glad!!" Mokomo said hugging her. Shinobu was a bit uncomfortable with people hugging her but let it be this time since she was meeting an old friend. 
They all just spend most of the night eating and talking. Shinobu sent a kasugai crow to the butterfly mansion to let her sisters know that she was safe and that she was staying over at Tomioka's and Sabito's for a sleepover since they had a lot of catching up to do. 

"How about some drinks!?" Sabito asked joining his hands and grinding. "Were underage," was all he needed to hear before he retreated from the idea but then he smirked again. Giyuu understood and he was already ready with the answer "No" Sabito pouted. "Why yuu it's gonna be fun pleasee," He asked begging his friend. "I'm not going to," He said finalizing that that's his answer. Mokomo and Shinobu stared at them confused. "What are you talking about?" Shinobu asked looking at Giyuu. "He wants to have a drinking competition with me but I don't want to," Giyuu said sighing. "Ohh," Mokomo said understanding. "How about we just play some games then," She asked. Everyone agreed and they decided on truth or dare. 

They all played a couple of rounds before it came to Giyuu's turn again. "Truth or dare?" Sabito asked smirking. Giyuu thought for a moment. If he chooses truth it's probably going to be about Shinobu but if he chooses dare it's again going to be about Shinobu it was probably better to choose truth though. "Truth," Giyuu said waiting for the question. "Great!" Mokomo and Sabito said looking at each other. "We have been meaning to ask you this for so long but you always avoided it so now answer it truthfully Giyuu," Mokomo said looking at him. Giyuu stayed silent. 

"What happened the day before the selection? Ever since then you just magically got stronger and you also barely express your feelings now .. How did you know Shinobu's name during the final selection? we asked her if you met before but she said she didn't know you at all until then so Giyuu what are you hiding?" Sabito said making a serious face. 

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