Chapter 19 : The Broken truth ♡

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Edward's POV;

I was shocked by hearing what he said!!

It was my joining letter for working as an officer. And it was approved. That means I have to go against India.

My training starts from tomorrow!

I know what my father is plotting against me!! He wants me to fight India. He wants to make her hate me.

But I can't!! What can I do???

I feel the tears welling up in my eyes!!

I look at him with so much hate. I need to take a stand for myself. I can't roam here and there obeying his orders. I have my self respect too.

I take a deep breath and look at him. I say "Father, I'm not interested! I don't want to be an officer!"

My father's smirk drops and he glares at me. He says "I didn't ask you, my son!, I told you and you have no choice!" with a husky and cold voice.

"Why don't I have a choice?? Remember father this is my life!! And im a an adult now!!" I take a breath.

"I'm not gonna listen to you from now on! I can't do something that I don't like!" I say annoyed.

"Why don't you like it my son? You are working for your  country and protecting the people that's it right??" He says with an eyebrow raise.

"Yeah by killing the innocents father!!"

"Ohh from when did u think about the people who die, my child!! Were you not the one who told you would protect your country no matter what??" He says with a cool tone

"Father I told that when I was a child!! Now I'm not one!!" I answer him sternly.

"Oh look Claire!!, your son has changed so much!! He has got a sharp tongue nowadays" He says amused

My mother looks at my father. She opens her mouth several times and than speak "My lord, please leave him out of this,  I beg of you!!!"

"Hmm well well!! I see Claire, Finally you have made a courage to speak to me, huh!!? He says smirking.

My mother ignores his commebt and says "Please, he doesn't want to hurt them!, please understand!!"

"Oh I do my lovely wife" He says with a devilish smirk. He continues "That's why I have personally submitted a joining form for him and this discussion ends here!!"

He ends the discussion and goes but stop and turns towards me and whisper in my ear "If you don't join then your precious gem will be in danger, son! All the best"

"Don't you dare touch her father!! I am ashamed to tell everyone that u are my father!! If you even try to go near hear father, I promise you I'll make ur life miserable like hell" I warn him.

My father catches my collar and growls. "How dare you talk to me like that? Now Mr. Edward let me remind you that you are nothing without me, my name, my house and money!!" He shouts and continues.

"You challenged me right?? I thought to just threaten you but from now I challenge you Mr. Edward I'll touch her and I WILL GO NEAR HER!!"

I just control myself!! He turns and goes to leave but he stops when my mother speaks

"Fletcher!!" She says with a blank face with tears.

1946: Ek prem katha♡Where stories live. Discover now