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It's been a couple of weeks since that day. You know, when I got high and let Max drive the car to her/Billy's house?

Ever since then, we've been talking more in the classes we had together. His responses are mainly insults and side eyes but that's okay 'cause he's Billy.

This morning I found myself changing my outfit multiple times. And by multiple I mean 8 times. I don't know why but, I felt like today was a good day so, I wanted to dress special.

I spent extra time putting my makeup on. I decided not to put white foundation on today. An extra thick layer of black lipstick and a heavy amount of eyeliner on later, I was ready.

"Adiós mama y papa!" I shouted from the doorway.

I walked out and got in my mustang. Throwing my backpack in the seat beside me. I put the key in and was about to drive off until I heard a slam beside me.

"Ma said to drop me off. What's with the makeup, no ghost look today?"

I smacked his shoulder, "shut up, donkey."
The goblin rolled their eyes.

I sighed and drove off heading towards their school. I dropped them off to the front of the school before making a u-turn back to mine.

Right when I reached the bell rang to go to class. I heard some girls talking about my ass again for some reason but, I just ignored it and kept walking.

It's a good thing that each quarter the block for each class changes. Because now my PE class is my last class and I don't have to smell like donkey ears during the day.

It's now PE and Billy and Steve were in my class. Steve was distancing himself because of Billy. I feel somewhat guilty for some reason.

"All right class today we'll be doing basketball again. Shirts vs hoods. Go to the locker rooms and change," the teacher yelled. Damn is he loud.

I walked with Billy into the locker room chatting about different kinds of food my mom cooks. And of course, he didn't respond to anything I said.

"Is there anything your mum cooks that's special to you? For me it's empana-"

The next thing I know is that I'm being shoved into the shower wall. I gasped as the wind was knocked out of me.

"Can you shut the hell up for once? You talk so damn much you're gonna talk my ear off." Billy's hand snaked up to my neck and held tight.

"S... Sorry, " I scratched at his hands and pulled, fuck his grip was strong.

He let go and stormed off out of the locker room. I dropped to the ground and took deep breaths to steady my breathing.

What the hell was that? Was it something I said?

I looked up to see the stares of my peers  stuck on me. I looked down before standing up and grabbing my bag.

My neck still hurts from that. Why'd he even do that?

Not long after I left the building I felt someone grab my shoulder. "Y/N! Did you not hear me calling you?"

I looked and saw Steve taking heavy breaths after each word.
Did he run after me?

"I'm sorry, Steve. I shouldn't have ignored you as my friend I-"

"Who cares about that? Are you okay? What that... That punk did to you was a bitch move!" His face showed anger and annoyance.

"It's - it's okay. I just want to go to the playground and chill there... You wanna come with?"

He looked at me with a soft smile and nodded. I knew it was a pity smile but that's okay, so long as I have my friend back.

We walked to my car in the parking lot and I pulled out of the school and drove over to Eddie's neighborhood. Well, the trailer park that is in that neighborhood. I drove next to his trailer and banged on the door.

Steve was in the car still. "Munson, you here?" I yelled. I knocked again until the door opened to a sweaty Eddie (hey, that rhymes) with hair stuck to his forehead.

"Were... Were you jacking it before I came?"

"NO. No, I wasn't. What do you want." Oh, he definitely was.

"Just a gram, preferably already wrapped." I handed him the money from my wallet.

"Let me look in my box real quick."
I waited a little bit before he came back with it.

"Thanks, also I think my mama made more empanadas for you. Tienes que venir a mi casa por la comida, yes?"

He nodded, "I'm down."
No, he's not good at Spanish. All he knows are the words casa y comida.

I headed to the car and drove us to the playground near his house.

"Come on," I grabbed my lighter and headed towards the playground and under the whole set up. It's kinda hidden from the outside so it's a bit dark.

I sat down and Steve sat near me. I lit the blunt and put it on my lips. I breathed it in and felt calm with the quietness. I let the smoke out, looking towards Steve, "You want some?"

He hesitated before grabbing it and mimicked my actions and blew the smoke out. I chuckled lightly, "I didn't think you'd actually do it! What a bad boy you are, Steve" I laughed as he side eyed me before taking another puff and passing it back.

I could feel eyes on me.

"You know I'm right here right?"
We both turned to my left and screamed.

Oh, Max... Wait a minute, Max?
"What the hell are you doing out of school?"
Aww he's like a mama bear.

"My school ends earlier remember?" She said matter-of-factly.

I grabbed the blunt and took a puff.
"Let me get some," Max said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? Why the hell would I do that?" I looked at her like she was stupid.

She rolled her eyes.
And just like that, we all sat there talking about stupid nothingness as I got higher than the clouds.

My eyes were definitely bloodshot red right now.



unedited. -please point out any grammar mistakes!!

Baby Boy | Billy Hargrove x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now