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Disclaimer - there's a random mini (like 2 sentences) part at the end

"Hey...." I said. No response. "Heyyyy. Maxine? Hellloooo?"

"What?" She grunted out. "Don't sass me ms ma'am. Do u have snacks at ur house?"

"Yes I do,why?" We were swinging on the swings at the playground. Steve left a bit earlier. He said something about Nacy and some guy Jorithan. I don't know, I can't remember. It's starting to get dark outside. I checked my watch. 7:34

"Let's go to a world over yonder! Aka your house." I got on my feet, stumbling a bit over them.

She sighed knowing I wouldn't give up. When we got to her house I snatched her key out of her hand and opened the door loudly. Good thing their parents weren't here. I would've got my ass beat for that.

I immediately headed to the kitchen looking through each cabinet. I heard a door open and close. I assumed it was Max going in her room.

But then I heard footsteps behind me.
"What the hell are you doing in my house Y/N? Get out."

I turned around. Billy. I looked at the chips in the cabinet I opened and grabbed them, "I have the munchies n I'm hungry... Listen, Billy I-"

I turned around to him being closer than I expected. His face was only a couple inches away from mine. His expression shows nothing but sternness and irritation.

"I don't care what you have to say Y/N. Just leave me the hell alone. Got it?" I stood there. Studying his face. Who knew his lips were a stunning pink color and his eyes were as alluring as a blue moon.

I glanced at his lips and he glanced at mine. My half lidded red eyes were stuck on his. We leaned in closer and closer. I tilted my head slightly to the side and slid my hands to his hips. His hands were on each side of my trapping me against the counter. Our lips are barely grazing each other. Our breaths were soft and smooth.

Footsteps. I hear footsteps. My eyes widened and I pushed Billy away. He landed on the floor with a thud. What the hell was my dumbass about to do.

I grabbed the chips and ran out the kitchen towards the door. "Y/N?" I heard Max call out.
I ran out as quickly as I could and went back to my car.

fuck. Fuck. FUCK. I was about to kiss Billy. Or was he about to kiss me. Were we going to kiss each other? I don't know but all I can tell was that this wasn't good.

What if he tells everybody? Nah he wouldn't. Not if it could affect his reputation. But what if he twists the story around. People can't find out now.

We have to set things straight. I closed my car door and drove off, heading to my house. I climbed through my window and locked my room door.

I sighed laying on my bed. I need a distraction.

Next thing I know I'm rubbing my dick and drooling on my pillow with my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I find myself mumbling a name that should be forbidden in this circumstance.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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Baby Boy | Billy Hargrove x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now